Items you wish had an upgraded version?


Having upgraded versions of weapons like the venom staff and Terrablade was an excellent idea. It made it where old items didn't become worthless and they were reasonably craftable versus you having to kill an enemy dozens/hundreds of times hoping for a drop.

Personally, I would like to see an upgraded version of the star cannon. In addition to the typical increase in damage, it could rain a few stars down when you shoot it like the starfury does. I also wouldn't mind seeing better phasesabers that do an excessive lighting effect when using it, making it an interesting choice for spelunking.

What about you? Any weapons that you think should get an awesome upgrade?
NO. No Star Cannon Upgrade Upgrade with special powers. It's powerful enough. I would love to see an upgrade to the Flintlock Pistol. It's an amazing item, but it slowly becomes useless.
Upgraded Rod of Discord.

"Now removes all your items permenantly when you teleport!"
upgrade is subjective, right? i want an "upgraded" slime staff. it summons tiny slimes that don't do damage but have a slight knockback. they target town npc's and players (including the player that summoned them) only. whenever a player or town npc moves, they rush them and slightly knock around/hinder their movement in a super annoying and cute way, TINY style!
Chlorophyte warhammer.....

I really want an end game war hammer
Upgraded stake launcher, launches stakes with silver points, does 5000 damage to werewolves. Also of course better stats than the Tsunami :D
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