Looking for help with the PC Version


I'm trying to get it to work like the Android Version if possible with the UI not being all over the screen with the Android Versions Crafting Menu as it looks much nicer i reckon and works so much better.

I'm also looking for a way to fix the Mining with Pickaxes to work like the Android Version so i can simply hold left click, point in a direction and start mining without needing to hover over every single block one at a time. I tried adjusting the setting for it and no luck sadly.

Also is there any way to move the Armour and Stuff to another UI like with the Android Version so i don't have to look at it while i'm trying to craft and such. It's a bit too much clutter on my screen and is distracting for me anyways.

Is there any way to make Items and Such in the inventory bigger without needing t0o adjust my screen resolution. I play on roughly 1300 by 760 and things are too zoomed out to see and read clearly sadly.

is there any way to have a split Inventory Button and a Settings / Menu Button so i don't need to enter my inventory to go into my settings and and such.

Is there any way to get dual button functions as well so i can Attack and Interact at the same time, like with the Android Version so i can Click on Chests and Such and Open Doors with one mouse button. It isn't hard to interact but the Android Version is superior i reckon, especially when you wanna loot something from a chest just before you die or if you want to loot stuff while in combat.

Sorry for the annoying questions and stuff, just trying to make the game on PC more fun to play TBH so i can play on PC and have it feel just like the Android Version and all if it's QOL Improvements.
For the point and mine, there's a "smart cursor" mode that should imitate that.
I'm not sure anything else you'd like to change to be more mobile-like can be done without mods, though, but maybe someone will follow up with responses with other suggestions.
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