Weapons & Equip Lunatic Cultist Drops


First off, i would like to say yes, yes I know this has been done, and its not exactly the most original thing in the universe.
But, I was thinking about drops from the Lunatic Cultist ever since I originally saw the boss.
And this, this is the perfect place to share them.

So, lets get on with the Drops:
(each Weapon/Accesory has a 20% drop chance, but only one weapons/accesory will be chosen.)

Wand Of The Blizzard (Not the best names)


Damage - 95
Knockback - 1 (Extremly Weak)
Mana - 20
Crit-Chance - 4%
UseTime - 30
Inflicts Chill Debuff
Sell - 12 Gold

The Wand Of The Blizzard fires a small ball of ice, which turns into a large spiked ball of ice when in contact with an enemy, like the Inferno Fork.
This Giant ice ball of spikes will stay in place for 3 seconds before disapearing.
Unlike the Inferno Fork, when it turns into the spiked ice ball, it will spew out 3 ice spikes in random directions each second. These spikes will only last for one second before disendegrating mid-air.'

Lightning Rod


Damage - 100
Knockback - 3
Mana - 9
Crit Chance - 4%
UseTime - 15
Sell - 12 Gold

The Lightning Rod Fires far ranged lightning strikes that can pierce infinite enemies and go through walls. This weapons can also deal very small ranged splash damage.
This weapon is a lot like the Shadowbeam staf in the way that it fires and how it fades away, but the lightning rod does zig-zag ever so slightly.

Staff Of Light


Damage - 80
Knockback - 6
Mana - 20
Crit Chance - 4%
Use Time - 30
Sell - 12

The Staff Of light fires 3 spread out projectiles, each one homing slightly. The light projectiles deal splash damage.


Ancient Trickery (Or ancient ritual. If you have not noticed im bad with names.)

+ 10% Dodge Chance
Sell -12 gold
Tooltip - Magical methods only used by the most talented cultists.
Apearance -
A smaller version of the phantom dragon ritual symbol.
Like this, but slightly different.
When your hit with an attack, a copy of you will be created, copying your every move . When this copy is active there is a 50% chance that damage will go to your copy instead of yourself, but the copied version of you only has 100 hp. Attacks that will kill you will be directed into your copy. There is a 20% chance that you will get 2 copies instead of one, and there is also a 20% chance everytime you get hit a new Copy will be created (max copies 2). Copies will only share attack and movement, along with were your aiming. Your copy/ies will attack using attacks that look like beams of light, and they only share initial damage, so effects likecursed flames or the inferno forks flame will not be copied. They do NOT share Crits. (this accesory will most likely be slightly problimatic with PVP =/)

Dragon Defendant

+2% damage.
+2% dodge chance
Sell - 12 gold
ToolTip - A magical phantom Dragon shall defend you on your journeys.
Apearance -
A phantom dragon head.

Everytime you attack, a miniture Phantom Dragon will spew out of your attack (when it hits) and attack the enemy a second time, like the Spectre armour set, but on the same enemy. The Phantom dragon has a 20% crit chance, and it will deal the same amount of damage that you delt, but -10% damage. The Phantom Dragon ignores armour completely. Phantom Dragons also have a 20% chance that a new dragon will attack once the initial Dragon attacks.

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I may of went overboard, but thsi is a lode of stuff that you can do.

If your REALLY skilled, its possible to do it with something as simple as the inferno fork.
But, usually you dont face him with that weapon. I only did it as a challenge really =D.

Full spectre armour and the razorblade typhoon or blizzard staff or the razorpine can do the trick easily. But if you dont have those weapons...
The laser machine gun from the martians is pretty good, along with the cosmic car key ((the cosmic car key makes it A LOT simpler))
The electrosphere launcher isnt bad against it eithier.

Full beetle armour is prety good if your problem is surviving long, due to its defense. Also helps if you use melee weapons while using this, since the armour buffs melee.

If your using wings even though you have the cosmic car key, then you should swap the wings out for a extra accesory and jsut use your car key, so you can get the extra accesory.

If you have a summon, use it, even if you arent a summener. it will still give you taht little extra boost.

A good arena is usefull. one were you can walk along the bottom and above you is some good dart traps to hit the cultists (since it always goes above your character)

Personally, i used full spectre and the razorblade typhoon with the flairon and the laser machine gun.

Heres a list of weapons that arent bad against the cultist, if the other tips dont work well for you.
Influx waver
Norht Pole
Palidens hammer (helped me a lot)
Flairon (this also helped me a lot)
The xenopopper is good if you can aim it properly, but i dont use it.
Nimbus rod
Maybe the magnet sphere or toxic flask if you havent got much else.

If this doesnt solve your problem then send me a message and ill give you some more help.
Good idea!
The Lightning Rod Fires far ranged lightning strikes that can pierce infinite enemies and go through walls.
Going through walls is a bit too much, isn't it?
Your copies will attack using attacks that look like beams of light
Copies attacking enemies is OP. Moon Lord will become easily farmable. Think about it, a player using a weapon will get triple damage booster.
he Phantom dragon has a 20% crit chance, and it will deal the same amount of damage that you delt, but -10% damage.
Dealing the same amount of damage will be tricky. Setting it to a fixed damage will make it better.

Also, I think this suggestion should be in the "items" section.
Oh well, I posted it here.

And it copies the players attacks, not your enemies. Its also suppose to do 10 percent less as well.
Going rough walls is OK since you can get it just 1 minute before the solar eruption.
Thanks for the feedback.
Dragon Defendant

+2% damage.
+2% dodge chance
Sell - 12 gold
ToolTip - A magical phantom Dragon shall defend you on your journeys.
Apearance -
A phantom dragon head.

Everytime you attack, a miniture Phantom Dragon will spew out of your attack (when it hits) and attack the enemy a second time, like the Spectre armour set, but on the same enemy. The Phantom dragon has a 20% crit chance, and it will deal the same amount of damage that you delt, but -10% damage. The Phantom Dragon ignores armour completely. Phantom Dragons also have a 20% chance that a new dragon will attack once the initial Dragon attacks.
Useing this on the dungeon guardian would be op
It isnt double attack. It does 10% Less infact.

And it does it when you attack, not when traps attack.​
A rapid chain gun,crystal bullets, and the Charm could get 160 Dps on the dungeon guardian (let's stop arguing and do the role play)
(What Roleplay?)
Your making no sense. I suggest you stop posting until you know what your actually talking about.​
Becuase most wierd people that appear out of no where in a place they have never been before usually say Lel.​
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