Weapons & Equip Making Items like the Umbrella and accessory


I never really use the items mentioned because I don't either forget to use them or just don't have them right there to use.

So.. A compromise.

Make items like the Umbrella an accessory, so I don't have to switch back to it, when I can just auto use it.

Full List:

Umbrella (material)
Breathing Reed (Material)
Gust Umbrella
Dust Umbrella
Frost Umbrella
Scuba Reed
Jellyfish Scuba Reed
Arctic Scuba Reed

More on these new ones.
*I know items like the Umbrella and Breathing Reed aren't supposed to be used for long periods of gameplay, but I'm like "Ooh! Umbrella! How useful!" And then I never use it.

Gust Umbrella: Double Jump and Slow Fall. ( Great early game Fall damage negator.)

The other umbrellas are the same thing but with their respective bottles.

Same can be said with the reeds.

The scuba Reed gives that nifty range of air, and as a bonus, Bubbles will reduce at 1/4 their normal rate.

So please Re-Logic, this is a simple fix and it would make these items much more useful.
I do admit the only world I used an umbrella for a significant time is one where I launched my player with minecarts, extending the distance significantly, but it's helpful to keep in the toolbar to quickly switch to if you need to fall slower (good for keeping bosses like skeletron on-screen when high in the air)
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