NPCs & Enemies Martian Merchant and Martian Stuff!


Skeletron Prime
Catchy name, isn't it? Say it 5 times fast!
Anyway, aside from the jokes, let's get down to da nitty gritty! (NAAAACHO!!!!) I know this NPC has been WAY overdone, but I only learned that after I started this ;(. Now, I was thinking, Pirate Invasion has an NPC, and so does the Goblin Army. So, what does Martian Madness have? :sigh:So ORIGINAL!!
So this is my 2nd thread to discuss, what else, NPCs! Again, I'll just mention that I absolutely love NPCs and sprites! So here is the Sprite!

I'm jacked up right now for sprites! Drinking soda, watching X-Files for the 56th time, and spriting at night. Don't you wish you were here?
Anyway, this dude is great! He attacks with a gigazapper, yes the item from the Martian Madness Event! How does he move in? Well, let me tell you!
During the Martian Madness event, towards the last half, a UFO will spawn. The sort of "Boss" In the event. Every UFO has a 50% chance of dropping a Martian Beacon. If you have one in your inventory it won't drop.
Sprites (Didn't I tell you I love them?)
Martian Beacon Off.png
Martian Beacon.png

So that is the Martian beacon. The first is when it's turned off and the second when it's turned on. As I said, these drop from Martian Saucers.
After you place it, you click it. Upon clicking it, it turns into the second sprite, and the sky changes into the Martian Madness background theme. You know, the same, just with UFOs flying around in the sky. When you come in a 10 block radius of it, a beeping sound is heard. After about 5 minutes of turning it on, as long as a house is available, this little guy will move in. Now, as I said, he attacks by shooting a gigazapper. Now for what he sells.

Material,1 gold, Tooltip: Don't let it out!

Steel Sheet:
Steel Sheet.png

Material, 50 silver, Tooltip: A small roll of Alien Steel.

Suspicious Looking Satellite Dish:
Suspicous Looking Satellite Dish.png

Summoning Item, 50 gold, Tooltip: Summons The Martian Madness.

Shield Generator:
Shield Genorater.png

Stupid Sprite, I know. W.I.P., 1 platinum, Tooltip: Put Luminite in, get good out!
So what this does is, when you click on it, it opens up a GUI. One that kind of looks like the Goblin Tinkerer's reforge. Instead of saying, "Reforge" It would say: "Fuel".
Putting 5 Luminite into the slot generates a shield block:
Shield Block.png

In a ten block circle, as long as there are no blocks in the way. If there are, it will not place shields where those blocks are, but continue where there aren't any.
Each five Luminite makes the circle go ten blocks farther.

Hover Band:
Hover Band.png
Hover Band_(equipped).png

5 platinum, Equipable, Tooltip: Go anywhere!
When equipped, upon jumping into the air, you will stop just before you fall. Holding spacebar will make you go up, D left, A right, and S down.
Every direction goes at 65 mph.

Martian Conduit Plating
50 silver, you've all seen it, didn't need a sprite.


Now that's it for items at the moment!
Names: Mulder, Xeno, Spiff, Alien, Alien, Alien.
Because Aliens don't really have names.

Quotes: Have you found the cure for Skully?
Can somebody get me the galactic translator?
I'm just here to make repairs.
How do you fix cloaking devises?
Let me go get my galactic change.
How can you even breathe on this planet?
[Name of World] is the worst planet yet.
Do you have galactic credits?
So you call [Name of Truffle] an alien here?
I think [Name of Nurse] wants to do an autopsy on me.
You mean you don't have green blood?
Do you even melt when you get killed.
I've been alive longer than the, well, the Lord of your Moon.

During full moon: These stars are unfamiliar to me.
I've seen galaxies with 4 moons.

During Blood Moon: Care for an annihilator to take care of those zombies?
Blood Moons are actually just an light illusion...

Well that's all for now! Maybe I'll make a banner if my posts get big enough! Thanks again! :passionate:
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Nice idea! I like it.

Also,I made a thread called martian beacon that is used to summon the event, but yours is much better... If you wish to check it, the banner is in my signature, in the spoiler
I really like this idea!! But doesn't it seem a little OP to have a summon item for 50 gold when the point of it is to wait for a martian probe to spawn? Maybe you could make the satellite dish only functional when in the outer 2 thirds of the world and in space level, just a thought! Good job, love the idea!!
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