Weapons & Equip [Meowmere's recipe?] [Sword name pending]

So, I had a (maybe good?) idea.
What it is : A potential new sword or crafting recipe for the Meowmere (confirmed item at 1.3)
Requirements : You must beat all lunar events. As a proof, you may take each special sword drop from the events.
Horseman's Blade + Christmas Tree Sword + Broken Hero Sword/Terra Blade?
I still haven't thought of a name for a sword, so leave any suggestions below if you liked this idea.
Or this could possibly become a summon to the Lunar Boss, tho it would be way too expensive.
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Did the thought that a sword that shoots Nyan Cats, kittens flying through space, could be dropped by a boss coming from space itself? *cough*Lunar Boss*cough*
You realize the Devs probably already have the recipe or whatever it is you need to get the meowmere. So this thread is pointless
Ummm... Potential NEW SWORD or crafting recipe for the Meowmere. Did you even read everything?
Yes but
A potential new sword or crafting recipe for the Meowmere

You don't need to include a meowmere recipe as that has most likely already been decided.

Maybe you should focus on fleshing out your new sword rather than coming up with a recipe for a sword that probably already has one.
Why is it, that some people are so goddamned impatient with the meowmere sword that they had to propose a recipe for them, or another weapon with the sword as material?%:sigh:

I've said it once, but let us swing the blasted thing for at least a couple of months before proposing another weapon with meowmere as a material. We don't even know of its exact tier, for hell's sake, to actually include it in anything.%-_-

Horseman's Blade + Christmas Tree Sword + Broken Hero Sword/Terra Blade?
Sounds nice, right up until someone cry out "RNG", and "Terra Blade is the Ultimate Sword and we like it that way", plus similar exhortations.

You haven't even given us the basic stats, or the ability of the sword. And if its ability is just the combination of all its materials, I'm going to say boring, OP, and redundant in one go. :rolleyes:
Why do people think that stuff like this hasn't already been given crafting recipes? I don't understand why people think they should give ideas for an update that hasn't come out yet. Also, threads that use broken hero blades and/or the higher tier swords as crafting materials tend to get hate.
Bad idea

You're acting like Meowmere is going to be the best sword there will be. It won't be because it's not balanced yet.

It's still not balanced! It's inbalanced, we don't know the proper tier or the proper stats!

No support.
Is anyone reading the stuff I typed?! Also, I dashed thru everything about meowmere, and people are still complaining.
Is anyone reading the stuff I typed?! Also, I dashed thru everything about meowmere, and people are still complaining.
So that leaves this thread with exactly:
Horseman's Blade + Christmas Tree Sword + Broken Hero Sword/Terra Blade?

Which now makes it a duplicate idea of Ultra Blade, which is more fleshed out(only marginally) than your idea. If you really want that sword, put forward your support on that thread. Word of warning though, that idea is not receiving the best of response.
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