Items Milk!

Captain Cobalt

This is a rather simple new suggestion for summoners.
The Cow Bell
Crafted with 10 lactose and a bell
Lactose is a drop from santank at a 25% chance at wave 15 (5-6)
Summons a cow to give milk

This does not use the standard minion count. It will drop a jar of milk which I will talk about later.
Milk has the same properties as a greater healing potion with a 45 second potion sickness.
The milk can be combined with ice to make ice cream which gives well fed for 15 minutes as well as the healing.. The cow gives milk every time you kill an enemy. Summons count too.What do you think?
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So you need to get to the END OF THE FROST MOON to get a normal (not even the greater one which is prehardmode thanks to crates) healing potion source? The limitations of healing potions is potion sickness, not their quantity. Also what does Ice Cream do?
Try this : make sanktank drop the cowbell as a rare drop waves 12+, and have milk have 125 healing, 30 second potion sickness. Also milk for every kill is op, like milk for every 150-300 non invasion type HM mob kills, HM bosses count for 10 kills
Try this : make sanktank drop the cowbell as a rare drop waves 12+, and have milk have 125 healing, 30 second potion sickness. Also milk for every kill is op, like milk for every 150-300 non invasion type HM mob kills, HM bosses count for 10 kills

This would make this idea better, and I don't know about you, but I think it should be a 45 second potion sickness debut. 30 seconds is a little to over powered. If you really want 30, wear a philosophers stone with this. But, besides some balancing issues, it sounds like it might be a helpful editing, especially for the upcoming lunar event.
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