excession May 29, 2020 Can't believe it's been 5 years since I joined this forum, it's been a long journey.
excession Apr 22, 2017 I finally updated my story thread with info about my future writing plans. If you want to follow my writing career, I'll a comment a link!
I finally updated my story thread with info about my future writing plans. If you want to follow my writing career, I'll a comment a link!
excession Dec 11, 2016 Guys, I have something cool to show you. I've been practicing this for a while: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGO4k71ohao
Guys, I have something cool to show you. I've been practicing this for a while: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGO4k71ohao
excession Jun 20, 2016 My gosh, Zenyatta = by far the most fun character to play in Overwatch. I absolutely love playing as him.
My gosh, Zenyatta = by far the most fun character to play in Overwatch. I absolutely love playing as him.
excession Jun 10, 2016 Being tired, then every time you try to nap you wake up in half an hour more tired than when you started. Life though.
Being tired, then every time you try to nap you wake up in half an hour more tired than when you started. Life though.
excession Jun 4, 2016 *Internally debates getting overwatch* (<----- Totally terraria related profile post)
excession Jun 4, 2016 My profile: 60%: Stream advertisements, 30%: references to streams, and 10%: References to salt (and the legendary salt chat)
My profile: 60%: Stream advertisements, 30%: references to streams, and 10%: References to salt (and the legendary salt chat)
excession Jun 2, 2016 I'm considering reviving myself from the dead here. Where's my color? Edit: Found it! Back in business....? Maybe?
I'm considering reviving myself from the dead here. Where's my color? Edit: Found it! Back in business....? Maybe?
excession Jun 1, 2016 Starting a regular streaming schedule! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12pm PST! Come join! https://www.twitch.tv/exce55ion
Starting a regular streaming schedule! Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12pm PST! Come join! https://www.twitch.tv/exce55ion
excession Mar 3, 2016 http://www.twitch.tv/exce55ion Streaming for an hour, and yes I put the right link this time.
excession Feb 27, 2016 http://www.twitch.tv/exce55ion Streaming for Project Patch! Come watch if you want :D