Game Mechanics Minion HP

All Seeing Eye

Eye of Cthulhu
The title says it all. Let's have minions have hp. In addition to this. I would propose that each minion summon should also cost hp in addition to mana cost. I hope this would allow minions to enter pvp it

Edit: This would also allow healing staffs that would allow you to heal your minions.

Edit 2: Because of minions having hp they'd become squishy so I'd suggest that they'd copy the summoner's dedense

Ps. I got this idea from one of @XenoCat 's thread (XD sry bro)
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I would like summoner to not be afk, which is why I load up weapons like the horsemans blade and stake launcher. This nerf to summoners would make them so pathetically weak that nobody would ever play as them. Especially with things like the raven staff and the spider staff, those have to make contact in order to harm enemies. Now they'd be worthless. So basically what I'm trying to say is no.
I would like summoner to not be afk, which is why I load up weapons like the horsemans blade and stake launcher. This nerf to summoners would make them so pathetically weak that nobody would ever play as them. Especially with things like the raven staff and the spider staff, those have to make contact in order to harm enemies. Now they'd be worthless. So basically what I'm trying to say is no.
They wouldn't be that weak. For example th baby slime would have would have 100ish life and a nerf like this would alwats come with a buff so its damage would bow be buffed to 10 or so... and for the ravens and spiders I did suggest some minion healing staff
They wouldn't be that weak. For example th baby slime would have would have 100ish life and a nerf like this would alwats come with a buff so its damage would bow be buffed to 10 or so... and for the ravens and spiders I did suggest some minion healing staff
Even if I accepted your logic there's one thing you're forgetting. It would require a complete reworking of minions including new hitboxes.
Along with what everyone else said, I must also add: What about the melee based minions? How would THAT work? Also, PVP isn't really a major thing in the game to revolve around. If it was, I'm sure minions would already have a PVP aspect to them...

Also, what about Lizardh Traps. People are able to AFK with those, so should we nerf them? Probably not, since that defeats the purpose of traps, as the same for minions :guidetongue:
No thanks. When you're fighting a very strong monster or a boss, it'd get very tedious to have to resummon your minions. In addition, why should Minions take health to summon? It may be logical from a realistic perspective, but not from a gameplay perspective. No other magic of any sort requires life to use as well as Mana, so minions requiring it would just be odd.

Also, summoners are not an AFK class, since they have to constantly dodge in order to keep themselves from getting turned into a smear on the ground. The endgame armor set for summoners (the Stardust armor, for those of you who don't know) offers a grand total of 36 defense. Comparatively, Solar Flare armor provides 78 defense by itself. Even with 78 defense, it's still very easy to get killed by endgame monsters and bosses, such as the Duke. Compare that to the Summoner, who can do nothing but run and hope that their minions are capable of killing whatever monster that they are hunting. With that little defense, it's hardly the kind of class that is capable of tanking in normal situations (By that, I mean no automatic killing machines like the Pumpkin Moon Farm).
Also, what about Lizardh Traps. People are able to AFK with those, so should we nerf them? Probably not, since that defeats the purpose of traps, as the same for minions
This isn't that much of a nerf because minions would then gain a damage boost and minion armor would maybe gain more defense
A lot of people are mentioning PVP here and there, and I want to clear up that minions already can be used in PVP.
A lot of people are mentioning PVP here and there, and I want to clear up that minions already can be used in PVP.

They can be used in PvP, but they won't actively target players, so summoners are useless, save for the occasional minions that do contact damage.
I don't know what youd think but for me it makes the summoner class a bit more challenging to play

Because minions are now attackable by other players a
nd because minions now cost life to summon.
I hope this would allow minions to enter pvp
How? Minions do not attack other players, so anyone being a summoner is basically a glass bowl on the edge of a table with a stick.
The title says it all. Let's have minions have hp. In addition to this. I would propose that each minion summon should also cost hp in addition to mana cost.Let's see how this will change the game, devs! I hope this would allow minions to enter pvp

Edit: This would also allow healing staffs that would allow you to heal your minions.

Ps. I got this idea from one of @XenoCat 's thread (XD sry bro)
First off, stealing others ideas they had already written down in a thread is sorta a :red: move, especially when you turn the blame on them when things turn south, and EVEN MORE SO when you misinterpret the meaning of said idea and post it.
And why cost health? That just means if I'm loww on health and have potion sickness I could easily accidentally kill myself, which is not fun. This would add nothing to the game but the erasure of the summoner class as a viable option.
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