Resolved [Mobile] Literally no Graphics Settings.

Do you think you'd be able to run the game better with Retro and Trippy Lighting settings on mobile?

  • Yeah!

  • Meh... Not really.

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Official Terrarian
There are so many missing things and problems with this update.

One of the main things is, that this update has ruined me because it doesn't have any lighting settings to improve performance, which REALLY sucks, I can't play properly cause I can't change the lighting to something that makes my device be able to run it, unlike PC, where I can change my lighting to Trippy and play the game with a big FPS boost. Literally the worst thing ever.

The settings being incomplete is just unbelievable, Blood and gore do near nothing to increase or decrease performance, but I can't even change wave animations, multi-core lighting etc. The important performance settings SERIOUSLY need to be added, or else, there'll be less players since they can't run the game properly.

I can't believe I was hyped for this, only to be disappointed by it's limited graphics settings. Please 505. ADD THEM. (In fact, the settings was one of the things I was actually hyped about. Nice to know it was disappointing)
There are so many missing things and problems with this update.

One of the main things is, that this update has ruined me because it doesn't have any lighting settings to improve performance, which REALLY sucks, I can't play properly cause I can't change the lighting to something that makes my device be able to run it, unlike PC, where I can change my lighting to Trippy and play the game with a big FPS boost. Literally the worst thing ever.

The settings being incomplete is just unbelievable, Blood and gore do near nothing to increase or decrease performance, but I can't even change wave animations, multi-core lighting etc. The important performance settings SERIOUSLY need to be added, or else, there'll be less players since they can't run the game properly.

I can't believe I was hyped for this, only to be disappointed by it's limited graphics settings. Please 505. ADD THEM. (In fact, the settings was one of the things I was actually hyped about. Nice to know it was disappointing)
Hi there @EmeraldHam178, I'm not sure I understand. There are settings that can be adjusted.

Lighting - the game is already on the lowest setting possible. It was designed that way in order for better performance, that's why there's no other lighting available, it's already on lowest.

Blood and gore - You might not see too much of a difference with performance with changing this, but I do recommend turning it off if you are looking to go down to the bare bones of settings.

Wave animations - this wasn't added until PC 1.3.4. Mobile is still on 1.3 so there's no setting because there's no effect yet.

Multi-core lighting - part of the lighting which is already set to the lowest.

If your device is having trouble running the game I suggest turning all the other settings to the lowest they can be. Turn your background off, cap your frame rate to 30, turn screen effects off. And keep in mind that trying to play in a large world on older devices is going to be a strain, so I recommend sticking to small worlds if you're looking for things to help run the game better. Some would rather have worse performance and have all the settings in a larger world, while others would want to turn things off and stay in a smaller world, the choices are up to you. :)
No no I mean
The game is currently running with a lighting setting similar to the Colour lighting in PC, which kills my device, even on the lowest possible settings available for that lighting. Also I prefer the Retro lighting system over the current lighting system on mobile, due to it's performance boost. that's all.

Also, I experience the same kind of lag I experience for a large world on a small world. I don't think that's a problem.
No no I mean
The game is currently running with a lighting setting similar to the Colour lighting in PC, which kills my device, even on the lowest possible settings available for that lighting. Also I prefer the Retro lighting system over the current lighting system on mobile, due to it's performance boost. that's all.

Also, I experience the same kind of lag I experience for a large world on a small world. I don't think that's a problem.
I can confirm that the 1.3 mobile is using Trippy lighting which is considered to be the least intensive hardware wise. Other lightings may come later, but for launch it was decided to try and make it run the best on the most possible devices. With over 24,000 Android devices alone it can be a hard task to do. :)
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