Weapons & Equip More boss-themed summon weapons

We have the optic staff, and the tempest staff, the Martian staff, and the hornet staff.
But i want a staff for more bosses!

Like a single -eye optic staff for Me, The Eye of Cthulhu, or a little punchy skeletron summon.

Have the brain of Cthulhu summon be a single, minion that gets stronger, like Abigail's flower, acting like that annoying nebula pillar brain laser enemy .(more eyes floating around it the more summon slots)

Destroyer could be a summon like a smol stardust dragon, it gets longer the more summon slots you have.(or a probe minion, like the Retinazer part of the optic staff)

Skeletron prime should get his arms as he is summoned more, after 5 slots he gets a 10% damage boost per slot.

The wall of flesh should have a floaty mini wall that shoots mini hungries as projectiles.(a wof minion is difficult to come up with.
Maybe it gets taller as it gets more minion slots?

Skeletron should be like Skeletron prime, but after 3 summons gets a 7 percent boost per slot.

King slime already has a mount, and there is a Slime minion, he isnt nessasary.

Eater of worlds should be like destroyer, but weaker.

Plantera should have her summon work like the spider staff in the way of Movement, and shoot seeds as projectiles.

Golem is already dead, he doesn't need a summon.

Empress of light doesn't really need a summon, she already has a whip.

Deerclops has a sentry, and there is already a dont starve summon

Moon lord should have a summon that summons moon lords head, but progressively gets more body as its summons are used.
It should get new attacks, and new looks, and for the last 4 slots, it should be mini pillars floating around it.

Every class does NOT need a zenith, but i feel like they need more weapons. There are SOOOOOOO MANY MELEE WEAPONS, and i feel like the other classes need more to match.
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A 10% (or 7%) damage increase per slot is extremely low.
You meant skeletron and prime, right? Since they have multiple pieces, would that be overall 21%/50% per slot? I'm not sure with my math here.
Although 21% per slot is still low compared to Abigail or Stardust.
We have the optic staff, and the tempest staff, the Martian staff, and the hornet staff.
But i want a staff for more bosses!

Like a single -eye optic staff for Me, The Eye of Cthulhu, or a little punchy skeletron summon.

Have the brain of Cthulhu summon be a single, minion that gets stronger, like Abigail's flower, acting like that annoying nebula pillar brain laser enemy .(more eyes floating around it the more summon slots)

Destroyer could be a summon like a smol stardust dragon, it gets longer the more summon slots you have.(or a probe minion, like the Retinazer part of the optic staff)

Skeletron prime should get his arms as he is summoned more, after 5 slots he gets a 10% damage boost per slot.

The wall of flesh should have a floaty mini wall that shoots mini hungries as projectiles.(a wof minion is difficult to come up with.
Maybe it gets taller as it gets more minion slots?

Skeletron should be like Skeletron prime, but after 3 summons gets a 7 percent boost per slot.

King slime already has a mount, and there is a Slime minion, he isnt nessasary.

Eater of worlds should be like destroyer, but weaker.

Plantera should have her summon work like the spider staff in the way of Movement, and shoot seeds as projectiles.

Golem is already dead, he doesn't need a summon.

Empress of light doesn't really need a summon, she already has a whip.

Deerclops has a sentry, and there is already a dont starve summon

Moon lord should have a summon that summons moon lords head, but progressively gets more body as its summons are used.
It should get new attacks, and new looks, and for the last 4 slots, it should be mini pillars floating around it.

Every class does NOT need a zenith, but i feel like they need more weapons. There are SOOOOOOO MANY MELEE WEAPONS, and i feel like the other classes need more to match.
WOF minion is a hungry.
I think you're focusing too much on the number of Melee weapons and not much on the variety of Melee weapons. Many Melee weapons act exactly the same, and are outclassed by whichever version has the highest stats in their tier. Conversely, most of the minions have different attack styles and stats, leading to a far greater variety of play. I get that seeing the triple digit number of Melee weapons can make it feel like Summoner is being left behind, but truthfully, most Melee weapons are nigh irrelevant.
I think you're focusing too much on the number of Melee weapons and not much on the variety of Melee weapons. Many Melee weapons act exactly the same, and are outclassed by whichever version has the highest stats in their tier. Conversely, most of the minions have different attack styles and stats, leading to a far greater variety of play. I get that seeing the triple digit number of Melee weapons can make it feel like Summoner is being left behind, but truthfully, most Melee weapons are nigh irrelevant.
While I agree that the warrior, contrary to what Eye-O'-Chtulhu says for example, is by no means the most variable and diverse class, the summoner clearly doesn't have much variation.
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