Standalone N Terraria Mod: RPG, Races, Classes, Quests, and other things.

will the blacksmith ever make a return i love the idea of powering up our weapons :c
If Reforging stay the same crappy way it ended up before, Yes.
If Reforging go back to the original idea, No, it would be moved to the blacksmith class.
Ehhh For Some reason my terraria crashes all the thime. ehm. I Start the game, go in the world with my character, and got it on like 46. then the Game crashed. and always it crashes, my characters are back on lv 1. And I don't know why... ehh, and steam also crashes.
Crashlog (in a spoiler or image) of the crash could be nice.
Thief N6 race differs from that described in wiki :<
Wiki is outdated and because classes might be still changing, the wiki might not be updated that often.
Hello! In terms of dealing damage with swords, what if the best option/decision to make?

Could it be, Fighter, then Warrior subclass?

And, for the race, between Human and Demon, what is the best choice to inflict damage with a sword? I really like the default demon's wings...
You're right with classes, but with races it's very much up to personal preference, personally I like skeleton best for melee, but it's up to you.
Many people were complaining that the balance was broken in freemode because everything one-hits you, now it seems as if it's the other way around. I'm playing in an expert world, I'm level 537 with jungle armor and Skeletron Prime was only able to do 1 damage to me each hit, while I chunked his health with Crystal Storm doing >200 dmg each hit.
Also, Demon's racial ability is still op af, one hit another Skeletron Prime with it.
And shift-clicking while in a NPPlayer's inventory will send the item to your piggy bank it seems.
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what's the best race for a Ranger / Soldier Class?

Most say Goblin due to the extra Pierce, but none have excesive advantage in ranged combat in comparison to the other races...

Skeleton has lowish speed and luck, so maybe not that race. The rest are fine for ranged combat.
If Reforging stay the same crappy way it ended up before, Yes.
If Reforging go back to the original idea, No, it would be moved to the blacksmith class.

Crashlog (in a spoiler or image) of the crash could be nice.

Wiki is outdated and because classes might be still changing, the wiki might not be updated that often.
It's just a crash, ehm...and when it crashes, steam also crashes i can't make an image or something like that. Steam is completely WHITE and the game is just closed...CRASH, dang i hate it, because the newset items i got, and things I built, are set back like it was before...
Really close to getting an anhk shield on my main character and I am having problems coming across a megaphone which seems to either drop from pixies or dark mummies. Anyone know a decent way to go about grinding for one? I am pretty desperate for this now cause I am so tired of getting debuffs like confusion all the time. Any advice would be appreciated.
Really close to getting an anhk shield on my main character and I am having problems coming across a megaphone which seems to either drop from pixies or dark mummies. Anyone know a decent way to go about grinding for one? I am pretty desperate for this now cause I am so tired of getting debuffs like confusion all the time. Any advice would be appreciated.
Why are you trying to tank Pixies and Dark Mummies.

@Topic Hey guys, it seems like Halloween event is running.
I ended up being really lazy the last days, but soon I will be able to work on the mod stuffs and fix bugs.

Be sure to catch as many Goodie Bags as possible.
Why are you trying to tank Pixies and Dark Mummies.

@Topic Hey guys, it seems like Halloween event is running.
I ended up being really lazy the last days, but soon I will be able to work on the mod stuffs and fix bugs.

Be sure to catch as many Goodie Bags as possible.

why? will there be a new item inside the goodie bags? :3
Howdy. I just wanted to bring some issues to light. Im posting here and not the wiki because it seems the mod author shows more attention to this, so, here goes!

1: Bats drop "Bat Wings". Which look like carrots. And do not stack. Not sure if this is related to the mod or not. But it only happened after I installed, so im listing it here.
2: Demons are no longer hurt by water, nor immune to lava, and can wear cross necklaces of both vareities.
3: Mage's skills are... really bad. Fireballs range is nonexsistant and even with auto-aiming is hard to use on fast moving bosses like skeletron, skeletron prime and duke fishron, not to mention ground slam is completely useless vs. 60-70% of the enemies in the freaking game, especially in hard mode. Also ground slam does not even sound like a mage skill. > : C Why not bring back something like conjure food, but make it "Alchemy" and spawn random potions? Even the mage starting quest is about alchemy/potions. So far, only waterbolt and thorns have been useful.
4: I have yet to be able to craft any N Terraria specific items.

I have created a monster (on regular rpg). Was dying a lot, and then I accidentally killed the lunatic cultist, and started the lunar events. My summoner got his hands on the star armor. All his points are in vitality and summoning. He is a thief and a templar.
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I have some feedback about taking a second class. I picked the Mage class first, because I love making magic based characters. Then I learned that I could take another class and it wouldn't overwrite my Mage class. I picked Templar, and that came with one skill that more than negates the disadvantages of being a Mage, namely being squishy and easily killed. The skill is Tanking Mode. I spent points to max out the Templar skill that increases Max HP. Combine that with Tanking Mode, and my HP jumped up to a bit over 18000. The decrease in Melee attack means nothing to a character that uses magic. This makes me almost unkillable, in normal RPG mode. I picked Templar because I couldn't find the next step for magic users, and thought it might come with holy magic or something.

Also in FreeRPG mode, I leveled up to around 600 and was taking only one point of damage, even with no armor or defense increasing accessories.

HardcoreRPG mode reminds me of Devil May Cry's Heaven or Hell mode, where everything dies in one hit, the player included.

So is pumpkin moon event best way to get levels atm or is there a better way. Before the nerf to statue mobs exp I got a char over 10k levels pretty quickly. Now I am at 2k with a new char and the levels have more or less ground to a halt. I get 10-20 levels a night doing pumpkin moon hitting wave 15 and grinding the bosses until dawn hits. Feels way too slow D:
Just a question. After the update I noticed that my ranged weapon has a very low damage compared to magic/melee weapons.
It is like the damage multiplier is much lower for when putting in stats for ranged damage when compared to melee/magic multipliers.
I have found a bug with the ranger quest. If you for some reason have no guide in your world (he has died some how), when you kill the last demon eye, then the game will crash. I haven't been able to test whether it happens when hes alive yet.
Screenshot_2.png Crash report
Screenshot_3.png How far I am into the quest

EDIT: I have been able to get the guide back into my world, and I was able to complete the quest after killing the last eye I needed. (Guide was in my world at this point).
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