Items New uses for gems & changes to Phaseblades



So guys, I've been playing ALOT of the Thorium Mod recently ( @DivermanSam )


Geode - 1 of each jewel, 1 Soul of Night, 1 Soul of Light @ Mythril Anvil
Geode PickAxe - 8 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode Axe - 7 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode Hammer - 8 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode Bow - 6 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode Arrow - 1 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode PoleArm - 8 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Geode Blade - 7 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Crystal Phaser - 6 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
Crystal Infused Corruption Capsule - 5 Geode, 5 Unholy water @ Mythril Anvil
-Turns blocks into corruption blocks
Crystal Infused Hallow Capsule - 5 Geode, 5 Holy water @ Mythril Anvil
-Turns blocks into hallow blocks
Geode Armor
-Geode Helmet/ Detects ore and Treasure - 6 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
-Geode Breastplate/ +30% Mining Speed - 10 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
-Geode Greaves/+6% Movement Speed - 8 Geode @ Mythril Anvil
-Set - You illuminate the nearby area

and I was thinking that the Geode armour would work REALLY WELL in vanilla Terraria with a few modifications.
1. Instead of Geodes, the armour is made out of 'Crystaline' (which is one of each gem put together), souls and crystal shards.
2. The weapons aren't nessecary, but the capsules would work well I think, along with a crimson alternative.
3. So here are my alternate crafting recipe's with stats
4 crystaline
8 crystal shards
3 souls of light/night

9 defense
you illuminate the area around you, (greater range than original set bonus)
@Mythril anvil
5 crystaline
10 crystal shards
4 souls of light/night

13 defense
40% increased mining speed
@Mythril anvil
3 crystaline
5 crystal shards
3 souls of light/night

7 defense
10% increased movement speed

Set Bonus: spelunker effect.

That was part 1 of the thread
The next bit is phaseblades/ sabers
What I don't understand is why gem staffs are better depending on the gem/bars but phaseblades/sabers aren't.
I also propose a ranged version too.
A 2nd tier of gem staffs
and a 3rd tier of each.

so, here are my phaseblades/sabers
the crafting recipes will stay the same, except each phasesaber will only need 25 crystal shards instead.

TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 19
crit chance : 4%
usetime : 28
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 38
crit chance : 14%
usetime : 24
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer
Purple_Phaseslicer v2.png

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x purple phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 76
crit chance : 24%
usetime : 19
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 19
crit chance : 5%
usetime : 28
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 39
crit chance : 15%
usetime : 23
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x yellow phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 71
crit chance : 25%
usetime : 19
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 20
crit chance : 6%
usetime : 28
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 40
crit chance : 16%
usetime : 23
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x blue phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 72
crit chance : 26%
usetime : 18
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 20
crit chance : 7%
usetime : 28
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 41
crit chance : 17%
usetime : 23
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x green phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 73
crit chance : 27%
usetime : 18
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 21
crit chance : 8%
usetime : 27
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 42
crit chance : 18%
usetime : 22
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x red phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 74
crit chance : 28%
usetime : 18
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
damage : 21
crit chance : 9%
usetime : 27
autoswing : no

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 43
crit chance : 19%
usetime : 22
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x white phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 75
crit chance : 29%
usetime : 17
autoswing : yes
TIER 1: phaseblade
changes colours like a rainbow brick
crafting: 4x Crystaline
20 x Meteorite bars
damage : 30
crit chance : 10%
usetime : 24
autoswing : yes

TIER 2: phasesaber
damage : 50
crit chance : 20%
usetime : 20
autoswing : yes

TIER 3: phaseslicer

tooltip: 'my childhood is ruined'
crafting: 1 x crystaline phasesaber
2 x Lens
8 x Ectoplasm
damage : 88
crit chance : 30%
usetime : 16
autoswing : yes

ok now onto gem staffs, tier one stats and everything remain identical.
Tier 3's do the same thing as tier 2 except with better stats.
Some staff ideas have been inspired by @GIRGHGH


TIER 2: Amethyst Curse
Tooltip: basically an upgraded water bolt.
crafting: 1x Amethyst staff
12x Cobalt bar
4x Soul of Light
damage: 32
usetime: 17
mana: 12

TIER 3: Amethyst Storm
crafting: 1x amethyst curse
8x ectoplasm
damage: 56
usetime: 15
mana: 10
TIER 2: Topaz Curse
Fires homing bolts at enemies.
Enemies have a 20% chance to drop hearts when hit.
crafting: 1x Topaz staff
8x Palladium bar
1x Heart Crystal
damage: 21
usetime: 13
mana: 9

TIER 3: Topaz Storm
crafting: 1x Topaz curse
8x ectoplasm
damage: 46
usetime: 11
mana: 10
TIER 2: Sapphire Curse
(Yes I switched around the tier for colouring reasons)
Fires a petal that explodes into 6 shards on impact, which deal slightly less damage.
crafting: 1x Sapphire staff
8x Orichalcum bar
12x Pink Gel @Ilmarinen
damage: 37
usetime: 18
mana: 14

TIER 3: Sapphire Storm
crafting: 1x Sapphire curse
8x ectoplasm
damage: 72
usetime: 14
mana: 17
TIER 2: Emerald Curse
(Yes I switched around the tier for colouring reasons)
Short range weapon that shoots a tongue of fire like a flamethrower
crafting: 1x Emerald staff
8x Mythril bar
30x living fire blocks
damage: 34
usetime: 6
mana: 10

TIER 3: Emerald Storm
crafting: 1x Emerald curse
8x ectoplasm
damage: 71
usetime: 5
mana: 9
TIER 2: Ruby Curse
Fires a red laser beam, hold down to deal more damage. Pierces up to 8 times.
Charge for up to 3 seconds
Clicking constantly will deal 8 damage per beam, whilst holding down for 3 seconds will deal 187 damage.
(Remember this is higher tier than the laser rifle)
crafting: 1x Ruby staff
8x Adamantite bar
5x Fallen Star

mana: 15 per second (2 for spam click, 45 for full use)

TIER 3: Ruby Storm
crafting: 1x Ruby curse
8x ectoplasm
Pierces up to 15 times
Charge for up to 5 seconds
Base damage of 29. Holding down for 5 seconds will deal 460 damage.
(Remember this is same tier as the heat Ray)
Mana: 18 per second. (2 for spam click, 90 for full use)
TIER 2: Diamond Curse
Launches a sonic wave with huge knockback, travels up to 60 blocks, knocks away all enemies in path, besides immune enemies, which it will just pierce.
crafting: 1x Diamond staff
8x Titanium bar
damage: 47
Knockback: 10
Mana : 16
Use time: 28
Velocity: 36

TIER 3: Diamond Storm
crafting: 1x Diamond curse
8x ectoplasm
damage: 77
Knockback: 12
Mana: 19
Use time : 22
Velocity: 30
TIER 1: Crystaline Staff
crafting: 4x Crystaline
10x Demonite Bars
damage: 30
usetime: 20
mana: 9

TIER 2: Crystaline Curse
Fires 6 colourful bolts (1 for each gem)
With a small radius at a rapid succession.
Bolts will bounce up to 4 times and WILL NOT pierce enemies.
crafting: 1x crystaline staff
8x Glacial Bars ( @Baconfry )
or 8x Hallowed bars
damage: 57
usetime: 14
mana: 7

TIER 3: Crystaline Storm
crafting: 1x Crystaline curse
8x ectoplasm
Damage: 87
usetime: 10
mana: 6

Now you are probably thinking, well what if I have gold, silver and copper, but palladium, orichalcum and titanium, then I won't be able to make the hardmode staffs!!
So... I have a solution, you can turn in hardmode bars at the extractinator(mk2) for the alternate version.
Also, extractinators should only give players gems and coins anyway, nobody uses them for ore.

1x extractinator
1x crystaline
@ anvil

I don't have an idea for the ranged version yet, so any ideas will be welcome.
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But... but I like to use Purple Phaseblades! It's the only Amethyst weapon that doesn't suck!
I agree with Fortanono. With Phaseblades, they can be made with different gems for the purpose of customization. The staffs are better depending on the gem because it also depends on the bars. What I am trying to say is don't change the Phaseblades based on the gem
You know, the better the bar, and rarer the gem, is what makes the staves power differ. Diamonds are rare than rubies, rubies rarer than emerald,etc.(at least in most cases)
Err... some of these start rivaling the Terrablade(base damage), and plenty of uses for gems, so @Freenight 's Gem Tree suggestion would pair nicely with this.
Yeah, I gave them high base damage because they don't fire projectiles like most endgame melee weapons, I feel like we need more ACTUAL SWORDS. Thus needing a high base damage to match it up with other weapons of that tier.
The phaseslicer is reminiscent of the new Star Wars lightsaber, and I like the tooltip. But the damage is way too high.
Yeah that was the point haha, I'm glad someone gets the tooltip. However like I said before, the base damage is really high because no projectiles are being shot, and there aren't any endgame melee weapons that don't fire projectiles, so to keep it on the same tier, a high base damage is needed.
I agree with Fortanono. With Phaseblades, they can be made with different gems for the purpose of customization. The staffs are better depending on the gem because it also depends on the bars. What I am trying to say is don't change the Phaseblades based on the gem
But then what's the point of spending RARE diamonds when you can just get cheap amethysts for the same outcome?
@Fortanono also, the amethyst one is just a little bit weaker than regular phase blades, and still better than a light's bane, it's just diamond ones are better beause they are harder to make.
That was part 1 of the thread
The next bit is phaseblades/ sabers
What I don't understand is why gem staffs are better depending on the gem/bars but phaseblades/sabers aren't.
Had the same thought awhile back. Even wanted to make a thread for it. But now I'm gonna have to oppose it for the same reason I didn't make thread myself.

Gem Staves are differentiated with ores and gems. Hence for the difference in ability. Whereas, the phaseblade/saber has no such distinction, barring gems.

Not to mention, with the stats now tiered according to the gems' rarity, you will, accordingly, make the other Phase weapons obsolete, as by the time you get to meteor tier, most people would have enough to create any of the six as they please.

The idea behind the Phase swords in the first place was for the sake of color preference. You can have someone play the Sith with red, and the Jedi with blue, with neither having the advantage over the other.

Also, unless the gem staves have different and unique projectiles to their PHM counterparts, they are a bit too bland for my taste. There are at least three other threads proposing the idea of HM gem staves, two of which introduced some really nice idea for the projectiles, as I recall.

Wouldn't mind seeing the armor though, but at the same time I feel it is too easily obtainable.
You spelled curse wrong in the crystaline staff ingredient section. I also think it's spelled crystalline, not crystaline.
Edit: What are the special differences between the upgrades and their un-upgraded version out side of damage?
Edit-Edit: I have made a hardmode gem staff idea before, incorporating differences.
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Had the same thought awhile back. Even wanted to make a thread for it. But now I'm gonna have to oppose it for the same reason I didn't make thread myself.

Gem Staves are differentiated with ores and gems. Hence for the difference in ability. Whereas, the phaseblade/saber has no such distinction, barring gems.

Not to mention, with the stats now tiered according to the gems' rarity, you will, accordingly, make the other Phase weapons obsolete, as by the time you get to meteor tier, most people would have enough to create any of the six as they please.

The idea behind the Phase swords in the first place was for the sake of color preference. You can have someone play the Sith with red, and the Jedi with blue, with neither having the advantage over the other.

Also, unless the gem staves have different and unique projectiles to their PHM counterparts, they are a bit too bland for my taste. There are at least three other threads proposing the idea of HM gem staves, two of which introduced some really nice idea for the projectiles, as I recall.

Wouldn't mind seeing the armor though, but at the same time I feel it is too easily obtainable.
Alright, what if I change the stats so they are a nearly even, except for the crystalline sword, that one has to be more powerful.
I haven't sprited the gem staffs yet so if you have any ideas for projectiles let me know and I will probably add it in.
After playing the thorium mod the armour isn't actually that easy to obtain, however if your gem trees are added then it would be.
You spelled curse wrong in the crystaline staff ingredient section. I also think it's spelled crystalline, not crystaline.
Edit: What are the special differences between the upgrades and their un-upgraded version out side of damage?
Edit-Edit: I have made a hardmode gem staff idea before, incorporating differences.
You know me, I type fast so I usually make a mistake or two, but I'll fix up the spelling mistake. Also can you link the hardmode gem staff thing and maybe we could 'fuse' the two threads :)
Alright, what if I change the stats so they are a nearly even, except for the crystalline sword, that one has to be more powerful.
I haven't sprited the gem staffs yet so if you have any ideas for projectiles let me know and I will probably add it in.
After playing the thorium mod the armour isn't actually that easy to obtain, however if your gem trees are added then it would be.
You know me, I type fast so I usually make a mistake or two, but I'll fix up the spelling mistake. Also can you link the hardmode gem staff thing and maybe we could 'fuse' the two threads :)
My thread:
What's with the phaseslicer's tooltip? "My childhood is ruined" doesn't make any sense.
It's a joke based on everyone on Twitter freaking out about how the new starwars light sabre having 3 points. With claims saying 'the franchise is destroyed' and 'their childhood is ruined.'
I just read the gem staff upgrade section again, and it seems a bit, odd. Every staff upgrade is just replacing staff with curse or storm. I think you should try giving the staves unique names so that they are set apart with more than just what they are composed of.
this has potential. Why not adding the Darksaber to the lot, while you're working on it?
I just read the gem staff upgrade section again, and it seems a bit, odd. Every staff upgrade is just replacing staff with curse or storm. I think you should try giving the staves unique names so that they are set apart with more than just what they are composed of.
Yeah true, right now they are just there as filler names atm, i'll fix it soon.
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