NPCs & Enemies Ocram in PC?


Wouldn't it be cool if we had the Ocram boss exclusive to console versions in PC?
Because PC generally has the most content with games with multiple platforms, i mean the dragon armor! wouldn't it be good if we had a new best armor for 1.3?

Post what you think in the comments!
The problem with this is that it IS console-exclusive. It was designed that way. And I would prefer console keep Ocram and PC has Fishing exclusive (Wishes here). Also, console has game-breaking things like dragon helmet in chests.
But we already have the eye of cthulhu

I think console exclusive items should stay just that, console exclusive. Console is always way late on updates and mobile is bugged out, so they need to keep their bosses so the have something going for them.
This is a much better reply. And ocram is this.
Backwards name, Mash the Twins together, remove the specialties, add Servants, and make it look like it's from Halo. I do not regret what I said.
Why? Why not make PC the ultimate version of Terraria?
Because then nobody would play anything else. Console is dull and out of date, and mobile is so buggy you can't even do Pumpkin Moon.
I like PC the most because it has the most content, so why not give it even more?
Because Ocram sucks anyways.
look at my signature :happy:
That isn't even your suggestion. EDIT: Sorry, being a bit too harsh here. Sorry if I have come off as rude.
Even if they were to add Ocram to PC (They shouldn't... It's console-exclusive and his tier of items are insanely OP), wouldn't that make Console users feel left out for some content? Ocram to me feels like a filler in the gap between PC and Console. Not sure about mobile though. That's a mess :p
This is true except Frost Armour I find is better.
What's next, do people want Turkor and Lepus too? The terraria (PC) devs can do better than that. I'd lose respect if they just ported them over. The bosses don't seem well designed and don't look all that great either. Having Ocram be something to look forward to in 1.3 would be dissapointing. So no, I disagree with it being a cool addition, or that it would turn anything ultimate.

To me something like this, porting over a boss from console would seem lazy. Which is exactly what many people chided the console devs for (even though it probably took a lot of work). 'Lazy' recolours and uninteresting additions.
But you didn't create that idea. I'll be it its good but still lol.

All in all I must say I cannot support this suggestion for reasons previously mentioned by pretty much everyone :p
Oh is it? Well sorry about that i only looked at the first page of this list.:happy:
What's next, do people want Turkor and Lepus too? The terraria (PC) devs can do better than that. I'd lose respect if they just ported them over. The bosses don't seem well designed and don't look all that great either. Having Ocram be something to look forward to in 1.3 would be dissapointing. So no, I disagree with it being a cool addition, or that it would turn anything ultimate.

To me something like this, porting over a boss from console would seem lazy. Which is exactly what many people chided the console devs for (even though it probably took a lot of work). 'Lazy' recolours and uninteresting additions.
This is it. Ocram, Lepus and Turkor are dull Bosses that give nothing good and are mostly reskins.
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