OOC Off The Grid (OOC)

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I'm gonna let this go on for one more week. If we fail to get anything done, I'm shutting it down. I don't want to do this, but it's a loose end that needs others to help prolong it.
Update on the status of the RP: I'm gonna try to give the RP a chance. If nobody here has the motivation, or time to go on the RP, that's fine. Not trying to force people on, just making sure this RP is gonna be able to continue on. If we ever end up in a circumstance where nobody posts for a long time, I might consider closing down the RP. But don't worry about it.
ok well I'm still going to use my v o i d character from the Orokin Void, which isn't in any rp on here (at least I think)

Name: Skjold (what else would it be)

Age: says they're 22 but they're actually 100-something

Species: Tenno

Appearance: see image(s) in the next post

Personality: literally doesn't care.

Bio: a Tenno from the Zariman-Ten-Zero incident, has awoken from the Second Dream and can Transfer. was experimented on shortly after awakening by a Grinner scientist, causing them to lose an eye and scar their face almost entirely.

Strengths and Weaknesses: in Warframe form, they are pretty hard to kill in this form. in Warframe form, they're vulnerable to poisons, slash wounds, and radiation. in Operator form, they're very powerful, but are incredibly easy to kill.

Extra Stuff: warframe stuff etc etc etc


Just be careful, we have a lot of ridiculous stuff.
Like an office employee. And a weredragonwolf. And a pony OC. And an AI that created a pony OC body.
Name: Cephalon Cy

Age: headcanon age for me is 910, but canon age is unknown.

Species: Cephalon (ship AI)

this, whenever not speaking from within the ship

Personality: doesn't really have one, unless the ship is under attack, then they take command of the situation and dispatch the threat efficiently.

Bio: helped Tenno (in this case: Skjold) rebuild a railjack, construct, manage, and upgrade it. their original crew was killed mysteriously

Strengths and Weaknesses: basically immortal, unless they are destroyed on the Weave. prone to memory recollection at bad times, and can't really fight.

Extra Stuff: is actually a canon warframe Cephalon.
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