tModLoader Official tModLoader Help Thread

It now shows up as a full sprite but 2nd frame is 2 lines for some reason and it still doesnt fly with AIStyle = 5
It now shows up as a full sprite but 2nd frame is 2 lines for some reason and it still doesnt fly with AIStyle = 5
You might also want to use aiType, then. Try setting aiType = 6; in the SetDefaults too.
About the animation: think you can make a .gif to show us what's wrong?
For the AI aiType = 6 or aiType = 5 didnt work.
For the AI aiType = 6 or aiType = 5 didnt work. View attachment 156276
Allright, first of all lets go for some animation code I'm almost completely sure will work:
public override void FindFrame(int frameHeight)
    if (npc.frameCounter++ >= 10)
        npc.frame.Y = (npc.frame.Y + frameHeight) % (Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] * frameHeight);
        npc.frameCounter = 0;
    npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;
Replace your current method with this one.
Now about the AI: It really should work at this point (if you were to ask me). Could you post the whole NPC code here?
You can just copy (Ctrl+C) + paste (Ctrl+V) your code here, instead of making screenshots.
The Sprites work but the AI still doesnt :/ it still is standing in one place

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MiscItems.NPCs
class PuritySpirit : ModNPC
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "PuritySpirit";
npc.displayName = "Purity Spirit";
npc.width = 80;
npc.height = 320;
npc.damage = 50;
npc.defense = 5;
npc.lifeMax = 400;
npc.value = 60f;
npc.knockBackResist = 0.5f;
aiType = NPCID.EaterofSouls;
Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] = 2;

public override float CanSpawn(NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo)
if (spawnInfo.player.ZoneHoly)
return 0.5F;
return 0;
public override void NPCLoot() //Npc drop
Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("SoulOfPurity"), 2); //Item spawn

public override void FindFrame(int frameHeight)
if (npc.frameCounter++ >= 10)
npc.frame.Y = (npc.frame.Y + frameHeight) % (Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] * frameHeight);
npc.frameCounter = 0;
npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;
public override void AI()
Player P = Main.player[];
if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active)
npc.netUpdate = true;[1]++;
if ([1] >= 150) // 230 is projectile fire rate
float Speed = 10f; //projectile speed
Vector2 vector8 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (npc.width / 2), npc.position.Y + (npc.height / 2));
int damage = 30; //projectile damage
int type = mod.ProjectileType("PuritySpiritProjectile"); //put your projectile
Main.PlaySound(23, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 17);
float rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(vector8.Y - (P.position.Y + (P.height * 0.5f)), vector8.X - (P.position.X + (P.width * 0.5f)));
int num54 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector8.X, vector8.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), type, damage, 0f, 0);[1] = 0;
The Sprites work but the AI still doesnt :/ it still is standing in one place

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MiscItems.NPCs
class PuritySpirit : ModNPC
public override void SetDefaults()
{ = "PuritySpirit";
npc.displayName = "Purity Spirit";
npc.width = 80;
npc.height = 320;
npc.damage = 50;
npc.defense = 5;
npc.lifeMax = 400;
npc.value = 60f;
npc.knockBackResist = 0.5f;
aiType = NPCID.EaterofSouls;
Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] = 2;

public override float CanSpawn(NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo)
if (spawnInfo.player.ZoneHoly)
return 0.5F;
return 0;
public override void NPCLoot() //Npc drop
Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("SoulOfPurity"), 2); //Item spawn

public override void FindFrame(int frameHeight)
if (npc.frameCounter++ >= 10)
npc.frame.Y = (npc.frame.Y + frameHeight) % (Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] * frameHeight);
npc.frameCounter = 0;
npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;
public override void AI()
Player P = Main.player[];
if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active)
npc.netUpdate = true;[1]++;
if ([1] >= 150) // 230 is projectile fire rate
float Speed = 10f; //projectile speed
Vector2 vector8 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (npc.width / 2), npc.position.Y + (npc.height / 2));
int damage = 30; //projectile damage
int type = mod.ProjectileType("PuritySpiritProjectile"); //put your projectile
Main.PlaySound(23, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 17);
float rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(vector8.Y - (P.position.Y + (P.height * 0.5f)), vector8.X - (P.position.X + (P.width * 0.5f)));
int num54 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector8.X, vector8.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), type, damage, 0f, 0);[1] = 0;
Allright, the AI code you have might actually interfere with the vanilla AI you're calling.
Take a look at the following:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace MiscItems.NPCs
    class PuritySpirit : ModNPC
        public override void SetDefaults()
   = "PuritySpirit";
            npc.displayName = "Purity Spirit";
            npc.width = 80;
            npc.height = 320;
            npc.damage = 50;
            npc.defense = 5;
            npc.lifeMax = 400;
            npc.value = 60f;
            npc.knockBackResist = 0.5f;
            aiType = NPCID.EaterofSouls;
            Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] = 2;

        public override float CanSpawn(NPCSpawnInfo spawnInfo)
            if (spawnInfo.player.ZoneHoly)
                return 0.5F;
            return 0;
        public override void NPCLoot() //Npc drop
            Item.NewItem((int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, npc.width, npc.height, mod.ItemType("SoulOfPurity"), 2); //Item spawn
        public override void FindFrame(int frameHeight)
            if (npc.frameCounter++ >= 10)
                npc.frame.Y = (npc.frame.Y + frameHeight) % (Main.npcFrameCount[npc.type] * frameHeight);
                npc.frameCounter = 0;
            npc.spriteDirection = npc.direction;
        int timer;
        public override void AI()
            Player P = Main.player[];
            if ( < 0 || == 255 || Main.player[].dead || !Main.player[].active)
            npc.netUpdate = true;

            if (timer >= 150) // 230 is projectile fire rate
                float Speed = 10f; //projectile speed
                Vector2 vector8 = new Vector2(npc.position.X + (npc.width / 2), npc.position.Y + (npc.height / 2));
                int damage = 30; //projectile damage
                int type = mod.ProjectileType("PuritySpiritProjectile"); //put your projectile
                Main.PlaySound(23, (int)npc.position.X, (int)npc.position.Y, 17);
                float rotation = (float)Math.Atan2(vector8.Y - (P.position.Y + (P.height * 0.5f)), vector8.X - (P.position.X + (P.width * 0.5f)));
                int num54 = Projectile.NewProjectile(vector8.X, vector8.Y, (float)((Math.Cos(rotation) * Speed) * -1), (float)((Math.Sin(rotation) * Speed) * -1), type, damage, 0f, 0);
                timer = 0;
As you can see, I replaced[0] with a variable called timer. This will make sure that this code does not interfere with the vanilla AI.

Do note that this newly created timer variable does not automatically sync over network. You'll have to do that manually.
Do any of you know how to make a custom health potion i will like to know
That's actually fairly simple. If you know how to create a 'normal' item, all you want to add is:
public override void SetDefaults()
    // Things like name, width, height, etc.
    item.useStyle = 2;
    item.useAnimation = 17;
    item.useTime = 17;

    item.useTurn = false;

    // The amount of life that's healed when using the potion.
    this.healLife = 15;

    this.consumable = true;
    this.potion = true;

Now that thing moves but... its going backwards and staying on the ground...
So it's more like a fighter AI?
Hey, I'm trying to make it so when I swing a weapon it has a custom sound, but even though there are no errors, when I swing it, there is no sound...
Here's some code.

Sound code:
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Audio;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace ModOfRandomness.Sounds
    public class TheViolinSound : ModSound
        public override SoundEffectInstance PlaySound(ref SoundEffectInstance soundInstance, float volume, float pan, SoundType type)
            soundInstance = sound.CreateInstance();
            soundInstance.Volume = volume * .5f;
            soundInstance.Pan = pan;
            soundInstance.Pitch = -1.0f;
            return soundInstance;

Item code:
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;

namespace ModOfRandomness.Items
    public class TheViolin : ModItem
        public override void SetDefaults()
   = "The Violin";     //the name displayed when hovering over the Weapon ingame.
            item.damage = 24;     //The damage stat for the Weapon.
            item.melee = true;      //This defines if it does Melee damage and if its effected by Melee increasing Armor/Accessories.
            item.width = 58;   //The size of the width of the hitbox in pixels.
            item.height = 58;  //The size of the height of the hitbox in pixels.
            item.toolTip = "There is someone out there who uses a violin for smashing zombies faces in...";    //The description of the Weapon shown when hovering over the Weapon ingame.
            item.useTime = 10;   //How fast the Weapon is used.
            item.useAnimation = 10;     //How long the Weapon is used for.
            item.useStyle = 1;            //The way your Weapon will be used, 1 is the regular sword swing for example
            item.knockBack = 6;  //The knockback stat of your Weapon.
            item.value = Item.buyPrice(0, 1, 0, 0); // How much the item is worth, in copper coins, when you sell it to a merchant. It costs 1/5th of this to buy it back from them. An easy way to remember the value is platinum, gold, silver, copper or PPGGSSCC (so this item price is 10gold)
            item.rare = 2;    //The color the title of your Weapon when hovering over it ingame
            item.UseSound = mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Item, "Sounds/TheViolinSound");
            item.autoReuse = true; //Weather your Weapon will be used again after use while holding down, if false you will need to click again after use to use it again.

It might be the format of the audio file, I've tried .mp3 and .wav but nothing.
Also if any1 knows how pls tell me - how do i keep mana at 0 while keeping the mana stars with an accessory?
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