Weapons & Equip Painter Wear!

Dakota Spine

Headless Horseman
Hey guys, Dakota here! I am going to make this suggestion short and sweet. I had a silly little idea for a new item the Painter could sell called the Painter's Boots.

The different parts are:

Painter's Hat
1 Def

Painter's Chestpiece

1 Def

Painter's Boots
1 Def

As seen, they each give only 1 Defense, but they each have a function. They are equipped in the armor slots.

You can buy them from the Painter for 2 Gold per piece during Hardmode. It's as simple as that! Just put them in an Accessory slot, and get ready to use them!

Each piece has a special function, revolving around Paint. You just need any color of Paint in your inventory!

Painter's Helmet

For every tile touched above the player, a Paint Bucket it used, and the tile is painted.

Painter's Chestpiece
For every tile touches on any side of the player, a Paint Bucket is used, and the tile is painted. Using wall sliding Accessories can help you with this process in some cases.

Painter's Boots
For every tile walked on by the player, a Paint Bucket is used, and the tile stepped on is painted.


While it may be slightly pointless, I think they would be fun to use to paint the walls of a house or something. It can make the process a lot faster as well! Again, I think they would be overall fun to use.


Anyway, this idea just popped into my head, and I wanted to share it! Be sure to tell me what you think. I might make some sprites later too. Anyway, thanks for reading! Dakota, out.
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