Items Protein Shake


Protein Shake
Crafting: Water Bottle, Daybloom, Fire blossom, Adamantite/TitaniumOre, and 10 Shrimp at a Brewing/Alchemy station.
Provides Buff "Beefy" (Lasts 5 minutes)
Player gains 4 defense points, runs 5% faster, jumps 1 block higher, melee attacks are 10% faster and deal 5% more damage.
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I would honestly say remove Bass and add a special Hardmode fish, like make it low chance to get in Cavern Layer fishing (just before lava spawns), but higher if you fish in Lava (hotline fishing rod). I'd call it Demonopraima , play on the Arapaima's and Demons.
Change Iron/Lead to Cobalt/Paladium while at it so it's meant for Hardmode as opposed to having it as soon as you get a fishing rod.
As it stands now, it's a reverse Tipsy Effect with added Jump/Speed effect.

Demonopraima locations:
Lowest Chance: Cavern before lava spawn.
Slightly higher but still low: Underground Jungle, same situation before lava.
Highest chance: Lava with Hotline fishing.
I don't really have a problem with this, but remove the ore. Also replace the bass with something else, maybe Damselfish or Shrimp?
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