Resolved [PS4] Fishing power brackets



I've noticed recently that when I'm fishing, once in a while I'll get a fishing power level with "(-30%)" next to it (see image below). What does this mean? Why not just state a lower fishing power? Or does it refer to something specific?


Many thanks.
Hello ED209,

What the fishing power brackets mean is that your fishing power is being reduced by that %. This occurs if the lake you are fishing at is not large enough. and you have a chance of fishing junk.

Off the top of my head. I believe a lake needs at least 200 connected water tiles to not get the penalty.

You are probably getting the penalty from trying to fish on the small gap to the left of your character. When fishing. The water on the surface and below that is what the game considers the lake. I'd try fishing to the right and you should lose the negative modifier
Hi Aurora,

I'm fishing in the ocean, literally the biggest body of water in the game.
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