Other Quiet a few suggestions to name

I joined terraria in the 1.2 stage of the game. I loved it so much. me and my friends would play for hours on end and then removed something me and my friends loved. key molds. the reason these mean alot is because of the time we spent getting them and then having to get jungle key just to make the key? we loved the irritation. i think the game now is too easy. I dont want anything drastically changed. but i have a few ideas to balance it out a bit.

. ive always wanted to go back to old versions and ive tried game launcher and other things and i cant go back to my beloved 1.2. i think that at the end of the game ( like after moon lord) there should be a tab in the main menu for versions . This could be triggered by the achievement of killing moon lord? ( again some of these wont be possible i think?)

. New bosses. I watched a video ( ChippyGaming) talking about new soundtracks. use some of them for bosses for hell . rn its just the wall of flesh making the underworld practically useless ( make a boss before wall of flesh in hell too :) ) . Pre hardmode should be a challenge to get into hardmode. A sky boss could work too? Or simply just make it so the voodoo doll dosent work till every boss is defeated pre hard mode? ( i think thats best lol)

. Add key molds to master mode. ( basically to make it harder. also cos i miss em so muchl)

. a final biome alternative. im not sure of a full idea but possibly hell on earth or soemthing in that regard?

.make it so npcs will despawn if not happy? 9 msg could be "....... the nurse has moved out)

.add new events. ( theres frost MOON , pumpkin MOON. Where day stuff at? solar eclipse yeah but possibly an easter one that brings back lepus)

. add a boss to the goblin army . and buff pirate invasion boss but make loot better :)

.i like the way that old hallowed armour can be made with demon alters. weapons have changed. make it so with demon alter u can make the old terra blade. the old nights edge. old whatever else there was. ( if we cant go back to old versions bring the items here! and it think nostalgic terrarians can agree)

.Make gem weapons and tools. dont make too op or gold will be useless. like a diamond pick is the same as gold cos well its really rare. others shouldnt be. ( gems will be more usefull :) gives another option )

. as bosses are added , buff older ones that are above the new ones and add more loot to balance it. even new ores if need be.

I do have more suggestions like a hell a lot of em but i think this post is too long as it is :/

Thank you so much if you take the time to read it and add some of my suggestions. and of course if u need more , im here.

there should be a tab in the main menu for version
I think that having older versions in the same game would make the game file become massive.
New bosses. I watched a video ( ChippyGaming) talking about new soundtracks. use some of them for bosses for hell . rn its just the wall of flesh making the underworld practically useless ( make a boss before wall of flesh in hell too :) ) . Pre hardmode should be a challenge to get into hardmode. A sky boss could work too? Or simply just make it so the voodoo doll dosent work till every boss is defeated pre hard mode? ( i think thats best lol)
Is the underworld practically useless? If you think that the underworld is practically useless then how will adding another boss make a difference?

wouldn't making it so that you have to kill every pre-hardmode boss restrict how many want to play the game?
a final biome alternative. im not sure of a full idea but possibly hell on earth or soemthing in that regard?
Where in the game would this final biome alterantive be? after defeating moon lord? always in the game?
as bosses are added , buff older ones that are above the new ones and add more loot to balance it. even new ores if need be.
buff bosses that are above the other bosses? you have to elaborate here
. i agree with the file size. however could old items become intergrated like the old hallowed armour?
.i go into the under world litro twise . once for hellstone and once for the wall of flesh. and i think it may become more usefull if a new boss is added because it would make more people want to go to the underworld. Or a underworld key could be added?
.Sorry i mean the new biomes would be a new option for corruption , crimson and the new biome. or an alternative to the hallowed. ( i think the hallowed).
. Buff old bosses i mean when they add stronger bosses for example a boss stronger then skeletron make the boss difficulty more apparent but more rewarding? ( basically the game is far too easy imo)
. as an alternative idea to the versions tab , add a game launcher to steam ( not on the forums because ive tried it so many times) that u get for free when u have terraria and u can change version there?
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