Random Forum Fight!

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I decide I'll come back, spam fireworks and go up to see Redstone, after using an Hunter Potion and giving one to InsertUsernameHere.
" 'Sup ? "
I look at everyone, and call in an kitten-strike. Fighterjets fly over the arena, dropping a bomb filled with kittens on everyone.
I pick up one of the kittens and give it a silly name and food.
I then cast a pet protection spell on it, which can't be broken by any means other than by the user casting it again but can't benefit anything other than the kitten, which is harmless.
And finally, I rush at ACGaming to try to attack him.
Redstone pulls out an axe, and DEAR LORD, it's the Spax of Split Personality!

Personally alchemized by Redstone, a single strike from this blade will leave you wondering how dead or mentally insane you are.

You all marvel at it's power.

Except ACG, he gets a free 814 strikes to all his body parts.
I marvel for one second and then immediatly start DCing. I then stab Redstonetam with my claw gloves. 100 times.
I look at him and steal the axe and throw it into an interdimensional portal. I gnore the scream of pain from the dude i accidently hit wih the ace.
He drops a million of the same axe from hammerspace and quickly picks them up. Is this guy crazy?

Parasy promptly gets punched into a tower, which falls down.
*Lavender Town tune plays from nowhere*
Everyone dies, they respawn, but die again, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die, then they respawn, then they die.

Then they respawn.
This armor has the materials that make the Black, White, and Lead balloons from BTD5. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH
Jokes on you.

Redstone then does the anime thing where he goes through you and you spilt in half using an epic sword.
Redstone's armor has 100% Sound Resistance, meaning that it does a string of 1 damage, resulting in a total of 37 damage.

Redstone walks over to the dude who did that and gives him a good skull splitting.
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