IC Random Journey in The Universe (IC)

Isaiah is wondering if Fikitt and Orthrus are safe.
Well, fortunately, all of them should be visible, since they're put in cells somewhat near to each other.
Obviously not in adjacent cells, however.

"Problems with the ones that followed them."
"...oh. Right."
"...they need help?"

(2) And it hits, which, makes him fall because being shot in the leg can make it kinda hard to stand.
The scout walks up to them, gun aimed at their head.
"...you going to talk?"

Ertwin would try to tackle the dragon.
They get knocked down again, slamming the ground (D20: 6 + 2 = 8), though not taking all that much damage.
Getting annoyed, they, assuming Ertwin to still be on them again, try rolling over to get on top of Ertwin themselves (D20: 13).
Fikitt checks if his tendrils are still restrained.
Still very much restrained with the rock cuff Horatio made around it, annoyingly enough.

He sits and waits, theorising that the door would have to open eventually to provide things such as meals.
Fortunately, he'd be able to tell when someone's walking by, judging from how the cells are all enclosed by metal bars as opposed to solid walls.

Strider sits down by a tree.
"You guys uh. Heading anywhere?"
(Also, this is a thing?)
"...oh. Right."
"...they need help?"
"Could use help."

The scout walks up to them, gun aimed at their head.
"...you going to talk?"
"Talk about what? The things I already said?"

They get knocked down again, slamming the ground (D20: 6 + 2 = 8), though not taking all that much damage.
Getting annoyed, they, assuming Ertwin to still be on them again, try rolling over to get on top of Ertwin themselves (D20: 13).
I'm gomma say sure he's on them again.
(Allowed to succeed) They would manage to get on top of Ertwin, which would make him sort of go splat.
This would have the effect possibly getting some of the liquid on them though. (Which, if it does, I'll leave the results of that to DW.)
I'm gomma say sure he's on them again.
(Allowed to succeed) They would manage to get on top of Ertwin, which would make him sort of go splat.
This would have the effect possibly getting some of the liquid on them though. (Which, if it does, I'll leave the results of that to DW.)
(Did he just suddenly puddle and sort of let the attacker drop, or did he maintain some level of cohesion and just turn to liquid with roughly his same shape, and allow the attacker to sink into him first before more turning to a puddle?)
(Did he just suddenly puddle and sort of let the attacker drop, or did he maintain some level of cohesion and just turn to liquid with roughly his same shape, and allow the attacker to sink into him first before more turning to a puddle?)
"Could use help."
Dark gets up, closing up the portal.
“…lead the way then.”
“Reinforcements could be coming any minute.”

"Talk about what? The things I already said?"
“You don’t care for your life enough, do you?”

I'm gomma say sure he's on them again.
(Allowed to succeed) They would manage to get on top of Ertwin, which would make him sort of go splat.
This would have the effect possibly getting some of the liquid on them though. (Which, if it does, I'll leave the results of that to DW.)
The dragon falls down, confused as the puddle gets all over them.
Dark gets up, closing up the portal.
“…lead the way then.”
“Reinforcements could be coming any minute.”
Lavin would get up and walk out of the cave, then take off to fly towards the cave Nick and Ertwin are in.

“You don’t care for your life enough, do you?”
"What do you mean?"
The dragon falls down, confused as the puddle gets all over them.
The liquid that didn't get on them would then reform to Ertwin's form a bit of distance from them.
Thompson looks at Dark.
"I'll stay here with anyone else who wants to stay behind."
Jack however would already be running after Lavin.

[EDIT (forgot to do the rest)]
Ertwin would feel some sort of strange feeling as he comes into contact with the dragon as liquid, almost like some vague instinct to do something...
It'd pass though as he moves way and reforms, however as for the dragon the liquid that landed on them would stick to them, and start feeling a bit itchy.
Lavin would get up and walk out of the cave, then take off to fly towards the cave Nick and Ertwin are in.
Dark gets up, looking at the others to see who else is joining him.

Thompson looks at Dark.
"I'll stay here with anyone else who wants to stay behind."
Jack however would already be running after Lavin.
Dark nods.
"...I'm staying too."
Dark glances at V. They share a look, before leaving, Dark giving chase after Jack and Lavin with periodic flash steps.
<If the followers are engaging, they've probably called for reinforcements by now...>

(How fast would Lavin be going?)

[EDIT (forgot to do the rest)]
Ertwin would feel some sort of strange feeling as he comes into contact with the dragon as liquid, almost like some vague instinct to do something...
It'd pass though as he moves way and reforms, however as for the dragon the liquid that landed on them would stick to them, and start feeling a bit itchy.
The dragon scratches at the liquid briefly, before shaking their head, firing off a fireball at Ertwin. (D20: 5)

"What do you mean?"
"You wouldn't care if I were to ask you where your friends were on threat of death."
(How fast would Lavin be going?)
(I'd say she'd be going fairly fast.)
"You wouldn't care if I were to ask you where your friends were on threat of death."
"Well either way I couldn't give you the answer, because I don't have it."
The dragon scratches at the liquid briefly, before shaking their head, firing off a fireball at Ertwin. (D20: 5)
(19) Ertwin would quite easily avoid being hit by the fireball, and then try to charge at the butterfly. (3)
The dragon scratches at the liquid briefly, before shaking their head, firing off a fireball at Ertwin.
The liquid would then seem to slowly start being absorbed into the dragon, and as it happens, they'd start feeling quite strange and seem to start to stiffen.

There's a herd of deer in the forest somewhere. They're doing deer things.
A random dragon NPC would swoop down and grab a random deer in their claws before flying off with it.
(I'd say she'd be going fairly fast.)
(Hmm. Suppose I'll just...)

Dark does his best to keep up, but does fall behind a bit. At least he catches up to Jack reasonably quickly though.

"Well either way I couldn't give you the answer, because I don't have it."
"...then you're useless to me."
The butterfly person levels their gun at Nick's head and-
(19) Ertwin would quite easily avoid being hit by the fireball, and then try to charge at the butterfly. (3)
(D20: I like not killing people so nope.)
-Gets blindsided by Ertwin, getting thrown to the side but picking themselves up with a few forceful flaps, flapping away to pull out a scroll...

The liquid would then seem to slowly start being absorbed into the dragon, and as it happens, they'd start feeling quite strange and seem to start to stiffen.
They, distracted by the liquid briefly, look back up at the fight, flapping once at Ertwin and Nick to send a volley of wind arrows their way (D20: 17, 14).
They, distracted by the liquid briefly, look back up at the fight, flapping once at Ertwin and Nick to send a volley of wind arrows their way (D20: 17 -6 =11, 14 -6 =8).
Well, that flap would be far less effective than expected as patches of the dragon's body are already visibly copper...
This would seem to spread and stiffen further, already one of their arms is mostly solid copper from the elbow down.
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