Game Mechanics Replayability of Terraria.


Hello fellow terrarians, I was thinking on my bus time about little additions (or are they?) that would make an impact on the game's replayability. Here they go hope you enjoy the read.

1) As I posted recently on YoraizOr's profile when I get to hallowed tier, the crafting options seem repetitive after going through the game a couple times. The excitement of getting the resprited souls washes away after remembering the little weapon asortment you can make with them. It feels like you reach a bottle's neck. The solution is simple, give souls of might/sight/fright at least two new weapons per soul category.

2) After realizing how refreshing the new yo-yo melee class is I think it would fit well into the game to go deeper into the throwing class. What we have now is two weak early armours that make throwing a bit underpowered compared to what you are able to craft at that time (think of ninja and fossil armour, they require king slime and desert fosil, which requires a nightmare pickaxe at least). Again what I would like to see is: make the throwing class a true class. Give it a throwing emblem and armours/weapons that are viable in hardmode.

3) Finally I write on this third spot a compilation of things that have always felt empty on every playthrough or things that have never been adressed: More variety in accesories, more different enemies per biome (very important!!!, more than one new enemie needed in the floating islands for sure), a wider crafting table for feathers (that awesome earlymode vampire knives suggestion <3). A wider use for buffs ( they have so much potential yet very little enemies inflict them), this will make some accesories usefull. A finished spear and flail melee class that seems to have been forgotten in 1.3 (spears are so awesome in pvp), a furniture ser for coralblocks, and finally much needed resprites (molten armor!!!) and sound upgrades(generic gun sounds like the uzi).

Thanks for reading and excuse my english as it is not my first language. Don't forget to write the things you agree on below!!!
New gear doesn't really add much replayability if enemies stay the same. Terraria's replayability lies more in the "building game" for some of us, as its "action" side is really short-lived and repetitive, and that's okay. Trying to please everyone ends up with cluster:red:s like (names of other famous sandbox games redacted for the sake of not caring for its fans.)
I'll definitely second the third item. I love flails, and the closest thing you have to one in late hardmode is... the Flower Pow and the Solar Eruption, which are several tiers apart (and the former feels kinda meh to me- the latter's awesome though). Additionally, besides Molten, there are some other armor sets that could do with a visual upgrade, and the older sounds definitely need some work.

As for the second point, I do have something I might as well put forward. One of the mods I've played (I wanna say it's Exxo Avalon) has Mythril and Orichalcum Splitblades/knives, which are basically three throwing knives in one- and they were pretty fun to use. If we could get more unique throwing weapons like that, I feel a lategame throwing class would be a good idea. But we need more ideas for throwing weapons first and foremost.

...and yeah, we need more soul weapons. (Is it me or did I comment on these in reverse order?)
New gear doesn't really add much replayability if enemies stay the same. Terraria's replayability lies more in the "building game" for some of us, as its "action" side is really short-lived and repetitive, and that's okay. Trying to please everyone ends up with cluster:red:s like (names of other famous sandbox games redacted for the sake of not caring for its fans.)
Some of you might like the building aspect. I don't and I bet there is many people out there that have been building wooden boxes in every playthrough like me. Also I clearly stated on my third point that I wanted one new enemy per biome. Finally I can't understand people who don't want more stuff added specially if the game feels incomplete without it and that is the point of my suggestion. I mean, half arsed throwing class really? Trying to please everyone is simple, add building and action stuff. Also if you had read my entire suggestion it clearly says I would like to have a coralstone set! Thank you.
"Classes" are a fanmade term in this game. The game doesn't require you to stick to one, it's your choice entirely. Summoner, for example, never sucked - gamers being stuck to "class gear" made it suck.

But yeah, I agree with that last phrase, it's quite obvious: If someone disagrees with a suggestion, it means they didn't read it all. That's as real a thing as classes are.
"Classes" are a fanmade term in this game. The game doesn't require you to stick to one, it's your choice entirely. Summoner, for example, never sucked - gamers being stuck to "class gear" made it suck.

But yeah, I agree with that last phrase, it's quite obvious: If someone disagrees with a suggestion, it means they didn't read it all. That's as real a thing as classes are.
Lol you are disagreeing for no reason. You are just a troll. Nice try. Classes are not fan made. They have their wall of flesh emblems. Lol such a fail.
Yes, if someone says something you don't like, they're trolls. That should be obvious and perfectly logical, just like your reasoning behind why classes are a real thing in Terraria.

Me being a troll doesn't magically convert this suggestion into a good one anyways.
Yes, if someone says something you don't like, they're trolls. That should be obvious and perfectly logical, just like your reasoning behind why classes are a real thing in Terraria.

Me being a troll doesn't magically convert this suggestion into a good one anyways.
So many so many people want more uses for souls. many people want a throwing class. And that makes a suggestion a good one. If you are a builder I don't know why you commented on the first place.
Stop it, both of you. For one, anyone who thinks a 'class' in a game is something you have to stick to by any means completely misunderstands what the term 'class' actually means- which is literally 'a group of things that are often similar or have similar roles'. Therefore it's pretty reasonable to assume that any damage type with at least one armorset (and a handful of weapons) dedicated to it can be called a 'class'.

That said, Pandemonium, you're making yourself look less than mature right now. Someone disagreeing with you does not instantly mean they're trolling or they didn't read the entire thing. If they have no real constructive criticism to offer, just ignore them.

And as for you, Kyouko, you have had absolutely nothing constructive to add, so why are you posting in here? All you've managed to do is start an argument, and neither of you are being particularly mature about it.
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