Weapons & Equip Scout Uniform and a Potion Bag?


The fact that you folks are still developing this game after all these years blows my mind. This game was pretty solid right out of the gates and it just gets more polished over time. I really appreciate the work you're doing over there. If it's any indication, I'm not a die hard gamer, and only have 10s of hours in most games, but this is probably the only game I've played where I'm in the thousands of hours (yes, plural) and I still play it regularly to this day.

I can't think of anything that needs "fixing", but I do have a couple of ideas for some features.

1) A Scout Uniform vanity set. DST fan here.The Constant is my favorite seed and Walter is my favorite character. I just want to be able to make a Walter in Terraria. Also, a Lumberjack vanity set. You can probably guess who my second favorite character is. 😀 Aw, heck, might as well throw in vanity sets for everyone, right? 😁

2) A Potion bag container. It's a little half baked, but this is a special container that only stores potions and auto-consumes them as needed. I find that I often don't use buff potions because they have varying durations and tracking what is running out when can be a little distracting. Meanwhile, I can't just keep stacks on me and use the B key because I pick up potions while exploring that I don't want to use right away. As a result, I usually only end up using them for boss fights. I think this is a little half baked because it invalidates the mana flower. Then again, maybe just have an item that you can keep in your inventory that will autoconsume any buff potion you have active to refresh it?

Thanks again for all the hard work, and even if you don't implement these ideas, I'm still going to play the hell out of this game. 💯
Would you mind spriting the vanity sets you suggest? What would they look like in game?

As for the "potion bag," I don't think it's a great idea. Plenty of people mostly use potions for boss fights, because while potions are very strong, keeping them constantly active is a bit of a pain. Adding this "potion bag" would let you just have potion buffs at all times without really doing anything except refilling it, which is not hard to do, and that would be very, very strong. I don't think it should be that easy to have a constant +10% damage, or +10% crit chance, or +20% max health.