[Showcase/Project] A Compact Fishing Complex and More

Now THAT is fancy! Adding Corruption is also not impossible, though quite hard... with the area below the pools completely empty, its also possible to extend it to 1000 blocks to add Ocean as well.

Just wow. Interest in fishing complexes has definitely been renewed!
oh wow, thanks for sharing that Tom_
I don't browse the forums much so I would have missed that completely and it is a LOVELY design

Just tested and discovered another perk of the one stop fishing hole : seems npc inventory checks based on biomes are based on the player's positioning.

With this set up I could buy the hallow, jungle, desert, snow and cavern pylons off the Party Girl by simply moving onto corresponding biome platforms.
One Stop Fishing Hole Perk cropped.png
As well, you can use it to obtain biome specific items like marshmallows off the Merchant (snow biome), and biome specific paintings from the Painter (hallow, corruption and crimson).
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@Kisk, what a great idea! Spreading out little blocks of biome that complete a biome’s requirement in a just a itsey-bitsey little area

You shouldn't be surprised by this methodology, as it is one that is employed by pakratt in the original build you based yours off of.

While your build is more "compact" in overall build size, pakratt's is "compact" in the sense that he managed to place 1 tile wide biomes immediately adjacent to one another. He does this by placing the required number of biome defining blocks minus one on one side of the screen, and placing a single biome completing tile on the other. Go to his post: , scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the "Load 1 more image" to see.

Disregarding the constraint that all the fishing biomes need to be very close together, there is no reason why any of the biomes in your build need to overlap. Furthermore, if the goal is to have as few fishing spots as necessary, making a fishing spot at the border between surface and sky, with a 1000 tile pool for salmon near the ocean, and another fishing spot at the border between underground and caverns near the dungeon will cover all the fish in the game.

I have returned to this thread because of a project I am working on, where I try to optimize NPC happiness for sales. I am tackling this problem in a second attempt by teleporting an NPC and his best friend from a holding cell into a double house near base, so that the proximity to neighbours and neighbours the NPC likes is optimized. If I can additionally get biome management down in the spot the player stands while trading with the NPC, I should have have perfect trades, but need see if the happiness cap even makes this necessary.
So I decided to make a rework on my design, focusing on making it more compact without overlapping any biomes, as well as optimizing block amount. I feel like there are still better ways to handle the block placement, by setting the biomes boundaries with single blocks on both sides you can actually get pretty creative with it, evil biomes and hallow still a limiting factor though.
Shoutout to @NeoPhantom for the hive block tip, it really helps!

If anyone wants to have a look at it, I attached the world. When you are standing between two biomes, forest takes place so it guarantees there is no overlap. I also marked the vertical clearance necessary to avoid external interferences, from both the lower and upper platform, but it is not really crucial to clean that area most of the time.


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I just registered to drop by and comment on how fishing complexes are awesome and I love all the inventive (and pretty!) ponds here.
Being an entirely noob builder that just copied the original design a while ago, I couldn't figure out how to keep all the biomes with the new requirements on my own until I saw all these inspiring builds.
I made my new fishing spot at the edge of the ocean, with mushrooms, based on PapaBear's 1.4 complex ver2. Messed up the crate priority at first but I managed to get all the crates for this one. I thought it might be worth sharing since it's really simple and the only thing you need to be careful is to not put biomes in the Ocean
So this may not be new for veteran fishermen, but I found out that while Ocean fish are dependent on where the bobber is, the crate is dependent on where the player is in, or so I thought. Though standing over the non-ocean part of the pond and tossing the bobber to the ocean got me shrimps etc, standing in a Ocean/Crimson area and tossing the bobber out to the non-ocean part of the pond didn't save me from endless Ocean crates.

Capture 2020-06-09 19_45_18.png
@haiba, interesting approach to combining the surface, underground and ocean pools into one. I’ll have to try that! Also I was skeptical when @NeoPhantom mentioned that the position of the bobber and not the player determined “ocean” but I see now that’s the case with your build. Good job!

You shouldn't be surprised by this methodology, as it is one that is employed by pakratt in the original build you based yours off of.

The difference is that pakratt’s approach overlaps biomes and uses the priority of one biome overriding another... i.e., it uses a single block to set the beginning of a biome but is not careful about defining the end. @Kisk’s and @f1n4l’s approach pinpoints the beginning and ending boundaries of the biomes so no overlap at all.

In the little bit of time allocated to this, I’ve been trying to use an build like @Kisk’s but incorporating the ocean into it but have run into problems. The first is that desert blocks (and to a lesser degree jungle) that are in the ocean area are not counted as part of the set of desert/jungle outside the ocean boundary so this stops one from precisely bounding the desert— although an overlapping of hallow/jungle/desert still works. Also, ocean crates have a high priority so fishing in, say, the ice biome will only yield ocean crates if the ice fishing spot is within the ocean boundary so the solution is to make sure ice fishing is not within that boundary.

Apologies, I did notice that mistake and fixed it in my last image posted, but forgot to mention it...

On a side note, without Ocean Crates on Switch I did not know that Ocean has greater priority than other biomes for crates. It used to be that Ocean only had a priority over Forest. I guess this is a change in fishing priorities?
The difference is that pakratt’s approach overlaps biomes and uses the priority of one biome overriding another... i.e., it uses a single block to set the beginning of a biome but is not careful about defining the end. @Kisk’s and @f1n4l’s approach pinpoints the beginning and ending boundaries of the biomes so no overlap at all.

Yes, I know. The 1 tile biome completing block isn't used to avoid biome overlaps in pakratt's build. It is used to be able to define the biomes in one tile wide zones. But the methodology was there, and can be repurposed to prevent biome overlaps, was my point.

Apparently the new mini biomes have unique crates? The oasis and the graveyard? Others? Are these crates worth fishing for?
Graveyard has no crate or unique drops related to fishing...

Oasis is worth the trouble of adding a desert because you can get Bast Statues for base buff, Oysters for Pearls and Luck Potions, Scarab Bombs and Oasis Quest Fish.

Note: Oasis is a desert with at least 50 blocks of water. A pond requires 300 for best fishing power, so adding a desert section is enough for Oasis.
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oh TY @inomanoms
I mentioned the one tile fishing hole back on page 6 but I couldn't for the life of me remember the original post or poster
^_^ I like giving credit where it is due!

as for the use of fishing up the new crates - they will let you counter bad luck finding some things ^_^
ocean crate - flippers (for Frog Gear (>_< I'm french canadian :D) and Water Walking Boots (for Terraspark Boots)
oasis crate - Magic Conch (for fast trip to ocean sides), Ancient Chisel (25% faster mining), and Bast Statue that Neo mentioned for arenas
frozen crate - an alternate source of Ice Skates (again for Terraspark Boots)
obsidian crate - Lava Charm (another Terraspark Boots material), Lavaproof Fishing Hook (allows you to fish in lava with any bait, not just the underworld bait), and the lava mount which is just cool :D, not to mention the obsidian lockboxes for when you don't want to scour your underworld for shadow chests, the Treasure Magnet is especially nice for building/rebuilding

that's my shortlist of worthwile things from them

oh - and one thing I just noticed about the pylon system - you don't always need the npcs in their houses to use the pylons
I had just set up a basic duo homes at cavern layer for quick dungeon access, and had simply assigned the houses, npcs were still at the central hub/castle
nevertheless I could use the pylon immediately, it bears testing but it seems you could only need live npcs' flags to be assigned to two neighbouring houses for pylon use o_O?
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Ok, so I have no idea where else to post this. I'm having a super weird issue trying to build a pretty-ish set of fishing farms. I didn't realize the snow and sand wouldn't work in this configuration in 1.4 until reading through this thread, but that's a different issue for a different day.

Each of my fishing holes is 12 wide x 25 deep. I left the heights as they occur naturally and the depths are different, but I'm filling the backgrounds with exactly 300 blocks and filling with water to the top of that line. The first fishing hole I filled in is my crimson one. Filled with 300 crimstone and actuated them into the background. Water wasn't turning color, so after reading through you guys' stuff and the compact 1.4 fishing thread someone referenced here, I added some more actuated crimstone at the top so I can be standing in front of it to fish.

Guess what I got, though? Crimson background exactly 60 blocks away. Blood jellies spawn in the pool, but literally the only fish we can catch in it are bass. Spent 5 Master Baits and caught 25 bass and 3 mythril crates, roughly the same for each of us.

Here are some screens. For some reason the ruler doesn't show in snapshot or screenshot, but the background begins exactly 60 blocks away and ends exactly 12 blocks from that (coincidentally, the width of the pools). To the left is my town, 1 NPC 60+ blocks away and the rest 120+ away.

Capture 2020-06-19 13_28_56.png
Capture 2020-06-19 13_30_41.png
Capture 2020-06-19 13_30_51.png
that would be normal @wnipper, the whole of your viewable screen's water will be red if crimson is the dominant biome of where your character is standing
you can test that by putting one single block of water in each of your pools

so I have gotten back to working on including ocean and mushroom in a KikFishingHole2 ^_^
and my first order of business was figuring out exactly WHERE on my world does the ocean area start/end
I spent a good few hours playing with one deep lines of sand with the time sped up on journey mode growing seashells
(I had them popping up as low as lvl 20 underground before I figured there HAD to be an easier and faster way to find the outer edge of ocean biome
also, for those interested it seems you need 8 blocks of free space above your seashell farming line for them to pop up with any decent speed, more testing needed)

so I had the bright idea of using pylons to find the limit of the biome areas
then commenced a bunch of placing and testing the ability to teleport etc etc
and thank fudge for the fishing hole cauuuse

it seems the check blocks of the pylon for inclusion in the appropriate biome are the top two of the leftmost column (indicated here by Xs)
Pylon = a 3 wide x 4 high sprite

I tested in my fishing hole where the background walls show the area where the biomes are active

a) if the left most column of the pylon sprite is not included in the appropriate biome it stops functioning and you get the message "This pylon is not in the correct biome to use"

b) in the following snapshots, this is the last functioning positioning of the jungle biomes top and bottom as I test moving them to the right
the only two blocks of the sprite that NEED to be included in the biome area for the pylon to remain functional seem to be those top two leftmost blocks
Pylons to find biome limits 1.png Pylons to find biome limits 2.png

c) so if I use THIS to find the functional edges of the bottom of my ocean biome, I get :
my western ocean bottom left corner starts at 4 underground with the world edge at 8316 west
same western ocean bottom right corner starts at 4 underground and 7636 west
do some math : (8316-7636)/2 = 340 tiles wide (verified by counting ingame ^_^)

Pylons to find biome limits western ocean starts here.png Pylons to find biome limits western ocean starts here.png

d) and the bottom limit toward the center of the world stands at
Pylons to find biome limits western ocean ends here.png
which would make my ocean biome on the edge of my world 340 tiles wide on a large world (wiki needs to be tweaked ^_^)

now to go find the sky/upper limits of the biome...

6.5 hours later >_< (got distracted finding the pylon activation range which I posted in another thread)

e) my western ocean upper right limit sits at 734 space, and 7636 west
Pylons to find biome limits ocean top edge ends here.png
that space height divided by 2 gives me 367 tiles height
remember that my western ocean bottom right corner sits at 4 underground and 7636 west, so that gives us 2 more tiles of height
for a total of 369 tiles height (367 surface into space + 2 tiles underground)

OOF, okay that gives me an active ocean biome area of 340 tiles wide by 369 tiles high on a large world
thank you for your patience :D ^_^
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that would be normal @wnipper, the whole of your viewable screen's water will be red if crimson is the dominant biome of where your character is standing
you can test that by putting one single block of water in each of your pools
Thanks for the quick reply!

Is it normal for it to only be crimson if i'm 60 blocks away, but not when I'm on top of the crimson pool? edit: I realize now that might sound sarcastic; it's not, i genuinely just don't know. I feel like there's a mechanic I'm missing/not aware of here. In the first screenshot above, i'm standing on top of the crimson pool--forest background, forest water. In the second screenshot, I'm 60 blocks away--crimson background, crimson water. The zoomed shot is the distance from my character to the right edge of the crimson pool--that exact spot is where the crimson biome background begins to show.

It may be worth noting that none of the other pools have had their biome-specific blocks filled in, so there's nothing but forest and that one set of crimson...the background and water color change for which only occurs in that 12-block radius, that begins 60 blocks right of the pool.

Also, related question: did the minimum water "block" requirement change for optimum fishing from the 300 it was previously? The pool you guys have been building seem about the same total size as mine and I don't see an update to that number on the wiki. We can't figure out why we're only catching bass and mythril crates in the crimson pool.
@wnipper ^_^ the speed of reply is only cause of fortuitous timing as I was just reporting on my new findings :D but you're very welcome all the same

as for the mechanics for making biomes for fishing... let's see...
Lana's right, there could be something interfering or cancelling some of your crimson blocks
I'd need to see your world for fast identification of interfering blocks as it can be looked at it in a map viewer

but as for mechanics of biome detection basics

the wiki states this -
Only blocks within a rectangular zone 84 tiles left and right, 61 tiles above and 60 tiles below the players 3x2 hitbox are counted towards determining active biomes. At the edges of the world, when the screen stops scrolling, this reference point no longer matches the player's position.

From my own fishing hole building and biome limiting I need to describe it differently to be more precise
a) your character occupies a 2x3 tiles area, if you consider one single tile behind your character's legs that your character is standing in front of as your starting point ...
b) the game surveys the biome blocks in an area 82 tiles to the left of that central block and 84 tiles to the right of that central block
for a total of 167 tiles width (82 left/west + 1 + 84 right/east) (here there is a discrepancy with the wiki description)
c) it also surveys the biome blocks 63 tiles above that one central block, and 60 tiles deep below that one central block
for a total of 124 blocks height (63 above + 1 + 60 below) (or according to the wiki 61+3 character height+60)

so once that area's been surveyed, 167 tiles wide and 124 tiles high with your character sprite centered-ISH, it'll give you active biome background etc but if the biomes overlap, as they would do with a one stop fishing hole or your planned design, then you can get a confusion of backgrounds and actual fishing catches according to the priority lists where the backgrounds and music and fish catches and crate catches don't all make logical sense since the priority orders aren't the same in each case

and yes, the 300 water block rule has not changed in 1.4
but some people are trying to incorporate the ocean into the one stop fishing hole which requires 1000 contiguous or connected blocks of water
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Have you tried removing the Sunflower? 1 Sunflower negates the effects of 5 evil tiles with a 25-tile radius.
...:red:. I'm an idiot. An actual moron. It's been there for so long it just registered as part of the background to me. I dug it up and the biome immediately appeared correctly.

From my own fishing hole building and biome limiting I need to describe it differently to be more precise
a) your character occupies a 2x3 tiles area, if you consider one single tile behind your character's legs that your character is standing in front of as your starting point ...
b) the game surveys the biome blocks in an area 82 tiles to the left of that central block and 84 tiles to the right of that central block
for a total of 167 tiles width (82 left/west + 1 + 84 right/east) (here there is a discrepancy with the wiki description)
c) it also surveys the biome blocks 63 tiles above that one central block, and 60 tiles deep below that one central block
for a total of 124 blocks height (63 above + 1 + 60 below) (or according to the wiki 61+3 character height+60)

so once that area's been surveyed, 167 tiles wide and 124 tiles high with your character sprite centered-ISH, it'll give you active biome background etc but if the biomes overlap, as they would do with a one stop fishing hole or your planned design, then you can get a confusion of backgrounds and actual fishing catches according to the priority lists where the backgrounds and music and fish catches and crate catches don't all make logical sense since the priority orders aren't the same in each case

now I just have to figure out what order to put them into to maintain balance with the changes to biome priority. I think I only have to worry about biomes of pools to the immediate left and right, as the ones further than that would be greater than the 85 maximum horizontal distance. I'll have to double check. Apparently I should have thought this through rather than throwing it together on a whim. If the fishing holes aren't far enough apart, I'm probably just going to tedit you guys' design into my world and call it a day.

edit: nope. they're 72 tiles from furthest edge to nearest edge. There's gonna be too much overlap with my current design.
^_^ depends how much digging out and area math you wanna do @wnipper
you have enough sidewise space that you should be able to do your pools as you'd originally hoped to while only respecting priorities
mines (version 1) is placed hallow->jungle->desert->forest->snow->crimson->corruption
on version 2 which I'm working out right now I'm planning on including ocean and mushroom

papabear's original only had 5 wide spaces before the next biome took over, you have many more than that
but you'd have to dig up and refill lots of the space underneath your pools to place the biome blocks properly
Recently I tried to make a vertical (or should I say horizontal?) approach to my last design, based on some ideias from @Beartopus design. One of the reasons I didn't place the biomes right next to each other on the horizontal design was because it felt really odd to stay centered on the biome you want, since there is a delay to change between backgrounds. Now, I feel like it is a bit inconvenient to choose the biome, but it is possible to get around by rearranging the platforms without changing their height, since the biome range extends horizontally to both sides. I also marked the optimal area to prevent interference from blocks outside the structure. That said, there is nothing special about this design in particular, world is attached if anyone wants to check it out.

One thing I couldn't figure out was a way to utilize corrupted sand/ice blocks to reduce the total amount of blocks. This would be really useful on the other design which is more focused on being compact. This comes from the fact that blocks such as pearlsand, count towards Desert and Hallow at the same, so in theory you could remove all pearlstones from the contraption and replace them with pearlsand, but this adds to the overall complexity since it still can conflict with evil biomes and needs to be done in a way that the Hallow doesn't overlap the Desert. With these blocks you can build pure deserts without a single normal sand, just by having pearlsand and corrupted sand nullifying each other:
pure desert.png
I don't really know if it is possible to implement this idea and maintain all the biomes, I didn't found a way to do it properly with my design.

Extra: If you don't keep up with TEdit last releases, some weeks ago it was added a pane to display the selection area, this is really helpful to work with biome detection because it is really easy to see the distance between blocks and size of shapes.
Shoutout to @BinaryConstruct for all the effort and amazing work, I wouldn't have done any fishing pond if it wasn't for TEdit.
selection pane.png


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this is really awesome f1n4l ^_^, good point on the sands... brain goes into high gear with design iterations....
I've not taken the time to learn how to use TEdit yet but I think this last update's gonna push me over that edge
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