Skeletron (Expert)

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Skeletron Prime
I need help. Skeletron is insane. He hits hard (Even with molten armor honestly) and has a bunch of health (including hands). How the heck am I supposed to beat him?!
What I last tried worked a bit better:
Molten armor
Imp staff
Ironskin,Swiftness,Regen,Shine,Night Owl, and well fed buffs
Slimy Saddle

Worm Scarf
Cloud in a bottle
Spectre Boots
Royal Slime
Obsidi skull

But I still barely dented his head? Now granted my mouse and keyboard stopped working at random points, but still! Is there a better way to do this without a Minishark?? (I have the shield of cthulu thing but I can never rremember to use it. And it always screws up my combat at times)
I didn't have PC

I'm on mobile but

I used:

Molten armor

Fiery great sword

maybe this'll help?

errm, wow

so much spaces
Wait! I've got an idea! Did you defeat the Queen bee? Use the "Bee's Knees" it does alot of damage
It isn't s easy to simply not get hit. If it was, would I be posting this?

The thing is, I don't see why Skeletron is hitting 60 on you. I took down Skeletron with full Platinum and only a Yoyo (Amazon). I only got hit four times and he only did around 45 damage to me.

Expert mode isn't about just going in sword's swinging. You need to prepare properly for some bosses.
The 60 dmg is from his spinning head. And I prepare for every fight. I've made a gigantic arena, a BUNCH of potions, and even made molten armor. And yet victory eludes me. I'm going to try again... just make a bigger arena maybe.
The 60 dmg is from his spinning head. And I prepare for every fight. I've made a gigantic arena, a BUNCH of potions, and even made molten armor. And yet victory eludes me. I'm going to try again... just make a bigger arena maybe.

Then avoid him while he starts spinning. If keep getting hit by it when its doing that, you're going to get punished. Simple as that.
A few Feather Fall potions will be a huge help - the extra mobility allows you to dodge far more easily.
Make a somewhat long platform arena with about 5-6 layers. Circle around Skeletron using your spectre boots (Use your shield of cuthulu to gain speed quickly when turning) Take out the hands first with a good bow and Jester arrows or a Minishark with meteor shots (Try to knock both hands out at the same time), then go for the head with the Minishark. This worked out pretty well for me, hopefully it can for you.
Still no. I don't even get him down below half health. Because the stupid damned skulls are so freaking hard to dodge. Those are the killers.
You can dodge the skulls by jumping before they would normally hit you, remember to go in a circle around Skeletron, preferably in the direction of those skulls. Use the Shield of Cuthulu to gain speed quickly.
Right, the main problem is that as soon as you are hit by his head while it's spinning, you're dead. Now, what you shouldn't do is focus SOLELY on the head, because the head isn't all that hard to dodge with Spectre boots. Your real enemy here is knockback, courtesy of the hands and enemy mobs. Avoid those and you'll avoid the head.

Don't use a Flamarang, it lacks the accuracy and dps you need. Actually, don't use any melee weapons, because as you might realise by now, you have to keep your distance from the hands. Use a Minishark and get much more bullets than you need. You want to just hold down the fire button all the time so you can keep all your focus on the head and the hands.

Kill the hands at roughly the same time. Then you don't have to bother with hands and skulls at the same time. The trick with skulls is to drive them into the ground: they will break when they hit non-platform blocks. So stay below Skeletron, close to the ground and keep swooping from the left to the right (Shield of Cthulhu is useful for this). Once he starts spinning, start backpedalling and just unload your Minishark. Rinse and repeat.
If you're about to get hit by either the hands or, worse, his head, dash into the body part with your shield. You'll take no damage, get knocked back, and can dash again a second or two later away from his head. I've found that this is also a great way to handle expert Queen Bee's charge attacks.
Try the Hive Pack and spam Beenades at him. One stack should be enough for his hands, and then the head isn't too hard after that. You need to be pretty good at dodging, though.
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