Blocks & Decoration Some Mechanical ideas!


Torch God
What if Terraria's mechanical stuff were to enter a rework? Let me show you my additions!
Part I: The Light Bulb
The light bulb is an item that can run which can light up with highly customisable spesifications. You can light up a light bulb using an 8-bit brightness (0 to 255). A red light bulb looks like this:

There are five colours of these ligjt bulbs: red, blue, green, yellow and multicoloured. Multicolored bulbs light by the spesified number of the colours of wires activating it. How does the brightness effect work? Getting to that!
Part II: The Counter
Counters are 2×1 placables that work in the following way: there is an input and output, both one tile in size and activating the input will activate the output by the number of the value spesified by the player; activating a counter by hand will get you to a menu for a given number between 0 and 255, in mobile, this will open up a numpad...
There is another variant of the counter in which you can set the numbers via mechanisms. It is 2×2 in size and looks like this:
pixil-frame-0 (19).png

I will create a table to describe how it works:
+ o
i -
In this table, I wanted to show you that the bottom left is the input, the top right is the output, the top left is increase and the bottom right is decrease meaning that the number will increase and decrease by the spesified number when those parts are activated. A nonspesified current is automatically set to 255 so it's not very conventional in these machinary; an interesting idea is that the machine can set itself using its output pin, rapidly increasing or decreasing via something like a bird engine.
PART III: The Super Junction Box And Wire Protector
The super junction box is a special type of junction box which prevents wires from merging with not contacted wires, but with neighbour wires so one tile apart wires will not merge. It can be hammered into two directions.
The wire protector is a wiring item similar to a juction box but works differently. It comes in four colors of red, blue, green and yellow. Each colour of protector prevents the wire of the same colour from activating the device on it. For instance, if you don't want a pixel box to be activated by wires of certain colours, then you can use protectors of those colours on them.

That!s it! Have a nice day! :merchantgrin:
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