Music Pack Some modifications for music pack


i'm currently working on a vanilla terraria music pack. i just wanted to know if there's any way to do these
- Creating a loop after a point of the music file (i'm asking will this work in the game with some file modifications. btw how do i do that)
idk how this will work btw my mind assumes it is possible lol

- Replacing terraria songs to the same song (i can easily do this by just copy the music file and rename it to the matching song, but i don't wanna waste too much space since it's the same song)

- Finally, having a song to play before an event/trigger (example like, playing a song during impending doom which is before moon lord fight)

thanks, if you can really help me out. sorry for bad explanations tho, if you not sure what i mean then you can ask me again i guess.
This sounds like for some stuff (playing during impending doom) you'd after to add custom files for it, which I don't think you can do with just a workshop thing.
I don't fully know the support, but I know you can't give different bosses something like custom themes (ex. give Skeletron custom music without changing all of Boss 1).
Not sure if this helps, but it's what I know.
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