PC Spaceship "HOPE" wiring


Hello, Terrarians! After my post was published here http://forums.terraria.org/index.php?attachments/capture_2016-05-25_21_37_38-png.112915/ my work was noticed by @ZeroGravitas :happy: and he suggested to post a wiring shot of the ship. I'm not sure if it is interesting for you because the wiring is very simple, but I'll give it a try! Also you can watch 2 videos about the build: first one is short and shows glittering core, the second one is a complete tour about the spaceship. Anyway thanks for watching!

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my work was noticed by @ZeroGravitas:happy: and he suggested to post a wiring shot of the ship
Cheaky me, claimed another victim willing group participant! And actually, I saw your video on Reddit (being greatly underappreciated), then your glittering core Gif submission, which Cenxx herself was seen approving of.:)

I was just so impressed with the visual effect of the gem spark mosaic; the changes with it's activation are so subtle that it was really hard to tell which way the wave of activations was headed, it just seemed to shimmer... :eek: Of course, seeing the wiring, all I can say is "thank goodness for the Grand Design!". When you say:
the wiring is very simple
Sure there's no binary logic or hoiktronics involved, but even looking at it now, I'm not clear what's going on. I didn't realise initially you had 1 second timers on those gemspark lines too... So do they get to activate sometimes, just before the next bird turns them back off? (Does it give the light changes just a little bit of a chaotic edge, or just my imagination?)

Seeing the 3 different types of birds in your engine is a good thing to point out too - it means that one can now have up to 30 statue spawned birds at a time, maximum (I think). I've not looked carefully, but I think they are randomly typed...? If so, that means the number the statue produces will vary a little, unpredictably, when they are kept in close quarters. Anyway...

There are a few other wiring features in your marvelous ship, of course. I thought the portal station conveyor hops were cute (excuse me for taking the liberty with a Gif):

Then you have up/down teleporter elevators, reminding me of this thread (and/or others?) we've had on those. Have you looked in on the group at all before?:)

And you've used decorative wire bulbs, which I mistaken thought were cycling around all the colours, but are actually just alternating between red and the other 3, or 2 state anyway, connected on that 4 wire bus. But now I'm wondering what kind of mesmerizing light sequence patters people here can come up with...? :naughty:

Anyway. Thank you very much for indulging me. You're more than welcome to post any future wiring builds here, and also to borrow any ideas you see around for use in future projects.:) I think it's really great to explore what heights of visual spectacle can be achieved with the help of mechanics, as well as the more practical (and esoteric) implementations that we tend to have on here in spades already.
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Cheaky me, claimed another victim willing group participant! And actually, I saw your video on Reddit (being greatly underappreciated), then your glittering core Gif submission, which Cenxx herself was seen approving of.:)

I was just so impressed with the visual effect of the gem spark mosaic; the changes with it's activation are so subtle that it was really hard to tell which way the wave of activations was headed, it just seemed to shimmer... :eek: Of course, seeing the wiring, all I can say is "thank goodness for the Grand Design!". When you say:
Sure there's no binary logic or hoiktronics involved, but even looking at it now, I'm not clear what's going on. I didn't realise initially you had 1 second timers on those gemspark lines too... So do they get to activate sometimes, just before the next bird turns them back off? (Does it give the light changes just a little bit of a chaotic edge, or just my imagination?)

There are a few other wiring features in your marvelous ship, of course. I thought the portal station conveyor hops were cute (excuse me for taking the liberty with a Gif):

Then you have up/down teleporter elevators, reminding me of this thread (and/or others?) we've had on those. Have you looked in on the group at all before?:)

And you've used decorative wire bulbs, which I mistaken thought were cycling around all the colours, but are actually just alternating between read and the other 3, connected on that 4 wire bus. But now I'm wondering what kind of mesmerizing light sequence patters people here can come up with...? :naughty:

Anyway. Thank you very much for indulging me. You're more than welcome to post any future wiring builds here, and also to borrow any ideas you see around for use in future projects.:) I think it's really great to explore what heights of visual spectacle can be achieved with the help of mechanics, as well as the more practical (and esoteric) implementations that we tend to have on here in spades already.

Wow, thank you so much for such kind words! I didn't even think you can be amazed with my design! As for timer: there is only one 1 second timer on the ship - I marked it on the screenshot. It makes birds appear every second or so ( in reality I guess it's more like 2 seconds) and when they fly to the trap they activate pressure plates. All wires (lightbulbs and those on gemspark blocks) are a joint system. That is why they are "synchronized". As for lightbulbs - i just wired each line with those wires, the color of which i wanted to turn on. The doors - no, I haven't seen this thread unfortunately ( otherwise it would be easier for me , but i had to experiment myself) and haven't looked in on the group at all before - shame on me! :) But now I will for certain! There are also some features which are painted with shadow dye. Above the core there are 6 Chinese Laterns to make it look brighter, also I used pink slime blocks to make the core a solid wall (to fill the gaps between gemspark blocks). Once again thank you! !'m willingly join the forum to learn and share:)

Edit: one more thing about the timer. Forgot to mention that the engine has got 1 second timers above each pressure plate. So this 1 second timer on board activates those 1 second timers on the engine.
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I was talking about these 1s timers, are they superfluous? I would think the birds come every 1 second, so they never get chance to fire, except for very occasionally, if the initial flight direction of the birds switches, as you go past the statue's horizontal position (birds always fly away from player).
Perhaps it shuffles up the illumination state of the gemstone blocks every one in a while, is all.

no, I haven't seen this thread unfortunately[...]i had to experiment myself
That's fine and good, I think it can help to understand better, working things out for yourself (some of the time).
painted with shadow dye. Above the core there are 6 Chinese Laterns
Ah! Black lights, nice trick. Yeah, the gem-locks in the core are very well lit, come to mention it. The best touches are the ones people don't even realise exsit.
I didn't even think you can be amazed with my design!
Well, I think it's a little like what @Baih (and I) talked about, in his thread. With adventure map building the mechanisms aren't as important as the end result the player sees - engineering a player experience. And here, you're engineering a more purely visual asthetic. Maybe I'm stretching the word 'engineering' a little too far, I mean, clearly you're an in-game artist. But it's still essentially learning and then incorporating a repertoire of concepts plus some trial and error. Sorry, blathering now... :confused:

I think I'm mostly saying that it'd be cool for T-MEC to focus a little on refining the mechanics of visually arresting build tricks, too. :)
I was talking about these 1s timers, are they superfluous? I would think the birds come every 1 second, so they never get chance to fire, except for very occasionally, if the initial flight direction of the birds switches, as you go past the statue's horizontal position (birds always fly away from player).
Perhaps it shuffles up the illumination state of the gemstone blocks every one in a while, is all.

That's fine and good, I think it can help to understand better, working things out for yourself (some of the time).

Ah! Black lights, nice trick. Yeah, the gem-locks in the core are very well lit, come to mention it. The best touches are the ones people don't even realise exsit.

Well, I think it's a little like what @Baih (and I) talked about, in his thread. With adventure map building the mechanisms aren't as important as the end result the player sees - engineering a player experience. And here, you're engineering a more purely visual asthetic. Maybe I'm stretching the word 'engineering' a little too far, I mean, clearly you're an in-game artist. But it's still essentially learning and then incorporating a repertoire of concepts plus some trial and error. Sorry, blathering now... :confused:

I think I'm mostly saying that it'd be cool for T-MEC to focus a little on refining the mechanics of visually arresting build tricks, too. :)

There was an interesting thing about timers. They started switching like waves only after I added that timer on board. Without it, there was only 1 bird flying and finally dying. And yes, it would be really great!
No seriously this is jawdropping, could I get a download link for private use please?
(It's stuff like this that puts my stuff to shame, and that is saying something coz I am a pretty good builder.;()
Quick q, about how long will finishing the world take? Not trying to be impatient, just trying to get a rough idea on when it will be done.
I know for sure, that no sooner than 1.3.2 update arrives. I have no massive builds in desert- this is the first thing to do as it will be desert related. Next (spoiler) I want to create some impressive landscape, which will be changing and moving:)
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