Other Game Starfield anticipation thread.


Duke Fishron
On June 11th, there was an XBox Direct with its second half being fully devoted to Starfield. Here's that video.

I'm honestly flabberghasted. I'm more excited for it than I have ever been for any other game, if I'm being honest. It's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. From what I'm seeing, I might be spending 150 to 250 hours per run on it, doing what I need to do.

Some of the features from the clip:
  • All the fancy features from Fallout 4 are back. Building, Crafting, Modding, ... it's all there, back in full.
  • You can travel to different worlds, some of which will be roughly barren except for resources. You can set up outposts that can do anything from automatically harvest resources, to just living there.
  • You can have crewmates that have their own "perks" or skills, like being good at engineering, harvesting, (I didn't take a good luck at any kind of list though.) and if you station them either on your ship or in an outpost, they'll give those bonuses to the ship/outpost.
  • Your ship is extremely, extremely modular. It looks like it can be taken apart COMPLETELY and rebuilt from scratch. There are two modes of construction: Either selecting each individual component and changing them, or using a ship-building interface that lets you put whatever you want, wherever you want. (Someone build a Megatron style robot, for example.) Each component will have its own purpose, including storage, crew quarters, crafting, and more. Each piece can be painted as well. You can see your full ship on landing bays too. So I'm pretty sure there will be size limits, but they don't look that severe.
  • The skill trees are back. It's not quite like Fallout 4's or Skyrim's. There are multiple pages with multiple skills, each of which has multiple ranks. You gain skills by doing those things. They showed off the Intimidate and Lockpicking skills. To gain more ranks in Intimidate, you have to intimidate people successfully. For lockpicking, it looks like you can "bank" auto-unlocks. The higher your skill, the more you can bank. It also looks like a slightly different lockpicking minigame from Skyrim and Fallout.
  • The main cities are HUGE now. Definitely far, far bigger than any other cities Bethesda has ever produced. They really focused on the cities being "alive" this time.
  • There's a lot of open-space combat this time too. There are perks that will help with that. There's a targeting perk that lets you target sub-systems of your enemies, for example.
  • Many of the planets were created with procedural generation but the human assets were hand-made. Somehow, this also means that no two players will encounter the same experiences on many planets. I'm very curious what that will entail.
  • Combat is faster and more responsive this time around. There's even more weapons AND mods for those weapons than in past Bethesda games. There's ballistic weapons, which will hurl you slightly backwards in zero gravity, and electric weapons, which won't, and mag weapons, which are a mix of the two.
  • I didn't get a good look at it, but armor seems to have degrees of resistance to certain elements, rather than straight-up armor points.
  • Much of the interface takes place on a literal wristwatch on your left wrist. The collector's edition gives you that actual wristwatch in a neat compartment suitcase modeled after the boxes that astronauts carry space rock samples back in. That watch will connect with your smartphone to give you real-time data from the game, or something.

There's probably a lot more than I'm both forgetting and that Todd Howard didn't give us a preview over.

I'm deeply looking forward to the game - Bugs and all. Bring it.
I want to be excited for this game, I really do. But if my sources are correct, the writer who wrote Fallout 4’s and Skyrim’s story will be writing Starfield’s story. If this is true, I’m probably just going to skip out on it.
While I am looking forward to the game, I do feel that, in light of how game releases have gone the past few years, I should advice caution.
Also, considering the above, and the price it will have, I'll probably personally wait before I get it myself.
I want to be excited for this game, I really do. But if my sources are correct, the writer who wrote Fallout 4’s and Skyrim’s story will be writing Starfield’s story. If this is true, I’m probably just going to skip out on it.
Huh. I heard it was the opposite - That the good writer from one of the games was the one doing the writing, so more people were interested in it.

I may not know the names nor the games, per se, but it's interesting to hear two precisely opposing reactions on the same exact subject matter.
Huh. I heard it was the opposite - That the good writer from one of the games was the one doing the writing, so more people were interested in it.

I may not know the names nor the games, per se, but it's interesting to hear two precisely opposing reactions on the same exact subject matter.
Not remembering his name, I googled the lead writer for Starfield and came across Emil Pagliarulo, and then confirmed he was the lead writer for both Fallout 4 and Skyrim. Having played both of those games from beginning to end, I do not enjoy his writing one bit. There are a lot of other people who would agree with me.

I forgot this; he’s also the lead designer of Bethesda. I think some of Skyrim’s design choices were pretty all right, but Fallout 4 had a lot of questionable ones. I just don’t have faith he’s improved for Starfield but we’ll see.
I want to be excited for this game, I really do. But if my sources are correct, the writer who wrote Fallout 4’s and Skyrim’s story will be writing Starfield’s story. If this is true, I’m probably just going to skip out on it.
fallout 4 story is decent idk why ppl like to rat on it so much
exited for the new game and of course abuse the glitches that a besta game has before those are patched
fallout 4 story is decent idk why ppl like to rat on it so much
exited for the new game and of course abuse the glitches that a besta game has before those are patched
I solely disagree with Fallout 4’s story being good, but to each their own. One of my bigger gripes with the game is how your actions don’t really have much consequences throughout the game and ending (4/5 endings have you destroy the Institute, and these endings all make the same remark).

Regardless, I hope I am wrong about Starfield‘s story and design. I am itching for a new open world game by Bethesda that isn’t Fallout 76.
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For those who got the Premium Edition on Steam, Starfield can be preloaded on August 30th. I'm certainly planning on doing that. There will probably be a decent patch for it, so it'll be somewhere between 140 GB and 150 GB.
So less than 2 hours now for proper release.
I feel like this thread could also serve as a general Starfield thread, with a title change for it.
The reviews on the game have been pretty mixed, most saying that the game doesn't really get good until about 30 or so hours in; not that these reviews will have any real impact on whether or not I'll personally enjoy it.

I've always played Bethesda's games in a weird way, so I'm pretty sure that I'll love it, but I wanna be sure to be very vocal about any and all types of, "I'm surprised this isn't already in the game" and "this didn't land the way it should've, please fix/ patch" moments. I suspect the Devs will be a bit more open to fixing glaring issues with this IP compared to the others; or at least I hope so, heh.
I've honestly been having a blast. 🤷‍♂️ It's definitely very immersive. The UI is a little bit clunky, (I wish there were a way to sort AID items based on whether it's medicine, alcohol, or food.) and it did crash a few times early on, but I was able to fix that in the NVIDIA Control Panel by capping the FPS to 60. Worked great.

The Digipick minigame is really interesting. It's definitely for people that enjoy thinking and planning.
I've honestly been having a blast. 🤷‍♂️ It's definitely very immersive. The UI is a little bit clunky, (I wish there were a way to sort AID items based on whether it's medicine, alcohol, or food.) and it did crash a few times early on, but I was able to fix that in the NVIDIA Control Panel by capping the FPS to 60. Worked great.
I agree, haven't had any issues with the game crashing or any game breaking bugs yet, still not sure how I feel about the game just yet either, but I'm enjoying the combat, the movement, the parkour, the guns, the exploration, and the awkward, weightless feeling of being in space, in a "bucket of bolts". Am still exploring the same planet for what seems to be an alternate option for dealing with a storyline and seem to be uncovering a mystery surrounding some weird experiments. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be rich before traveling to the "main planet" Barrett told me to go to.

The Digipick minigame is really interesting. It's definitely for people that enjoy thinking and planning.
Yeah, I'm loving it! It's like the game's version of 'solving a puzzle' to earn certain rewards, many of the takes I've seen so far, giving Starfield a 7/10, just seem off and out of touch. 😄 🤷‍♀️
I'm actually writing a video essay on the game (as of this message), I haven't quite finished it yet, some Big Event happened (in-game) and I had to stop playing. I needed some time to wrap my head around what just happened, and I have a LOT to talk about. If I'm right in my analysis, this is the best game I've ever played (hands-down, full stop).

If Bethesda sticks this landing (for me, personally), I'm gonna be talkin' about this game for years... so far, bravo Bethesda, bravo! 👏👏👏😎
Starfield has been out for a little bit now and so far the reviews are having it as an overall meh experience. It’s a shame, I was planning on buying it but at the same time I am not surprised from the overall mixed reviews.
Starfield has been out for a little bit now and so far the reviews are having it as an overall meh experience. It’s a shame, I was planning on buying it but at the same time I am not surprised from the overall mixed reviews.
Admittedly, the good parts are really good, but everything in-between is extremely 'middle-of-the-road'. There's not really any "bad parts" to/ about the game.

As an avid Bethesda fan though, I already know that all of the game's issues [which aren't terribly egregious] will eventually be addressed by the Devs themselves or the Modding Community. It'll just end up being what Cyberpunk 2077 is today, another game I thoroughly enjoyed, even though it also had flaws at the time. If you wanna wait a year or so before picking up the game, go for it, but you shouldn't write-it-off... that'd be a mistake!

  1. I was playing a Space Cop, but all of the Criminals fought me to the death, my disarm or high-level dissuade skills, still wouldn't let me arrest any of them [an easy fix].
  2. The scanning mini-game is annoying as f**k, and even building a Level 3 Satellite Dish doesn't make it any more tolerable or enjoyable, the range needs to be fixed!
  3. Some Enemy bases are just waaay too far away, and the lack of some sort of speedy-vehicle makes the journey unnecessarily tedious [an easy fix].
    • also, for some reason you can't land your ship in certain locations you should be able to, even after you discover them, this would also help with the problem.
  4. A LOT of the science and research in the game is far too generic, and doesn't feel super impactful. This really needs to be addresses for those of us who are science nerds!
  5. A LOT of your choices in-game don't feel nearly as impactful as they did in the other games, even on a small scale. This is an easy fix, but it needs to be done across the board.
    • I can understand how having an impact on the entire visible universe might be a tall order, unlike others, but having little impact on the local level is simply unacceptable!
    • also, this isn't to suggest we need happy endings all-the-time, having impact doesn't necessarily mean everybody wins!
  6. Some of the ways in which the player Character develops skills [like increasing your Crew size], feel extremely "undercooked" [an easy fix].
    • more intricate ways to level-up major skills need to be added to Starfield besides "blowing s**t up"!
  7. It's a great game, it's just full of stupidly missed opportunities.
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Hmm. I'd gladly agree with the points listed above.

I think my major gripes are, and sadly they're spoilerific, so into a spoiler box we go:
(Seriously, actual major, major spoilers.)
- We never really find out who created the (Alarmingly identical) temples with the fragments of the big dimension door thingy.
- We never find out who built this system of immortality and multiverse traveling. We only see people participate in it.
- Having to go back to the Eye to find more, then go travel to those planets to find an identical temple and do exactly the same thing over and over and over and over and over again is a gigantic chore. It should've at LEAST been done Breath of the Wild style where although each temple is still small, it's at least unique and challenging. They're all LITERALLY IDENTICAL aside from the surrounding terrain.
- Randomized procedural generation is worthless. I get that the (more barren) planets are just there for resource harvesting and all, but seriously they're really all the same when you go down to the practical level of things and stop ogling the graphics and uniqueness of the visuals and accuracy of the astronomy.
- As a -very- avid Fallout 4 builder, there's remarkably little to do and build with these outposts. It's sad. In Fallout 4, it was very immersive. Here, it's all just symbolic. There aren't even that many variations of objects, nor types of objects. You can't clear large rocks to make room for the largest of objects, and there aren't nearly enough room types or shapes, and connecting them together is both tough or impossible at times for no reason. I can't wait until the builder-friendly mods come in.
- Not enough roleplay options. (As usual.) Even if there are, there aren't as many practical effects from them. I do understand that there's only so many voiced conversation lines available and you can't accommodate for everything, but come on.
- The concept of a multiverse falls flat when it's just a glorified New Game Plus that tries to do one thing more than the other but falls flat on it. What if I want to keep my ship and my inventory!!?!
- No way to save Ship plans for later rebuilding on a new game plus or something.
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