Steal the Platinum!

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before he grabs the coin, he turns to dust from killing me by killing my heart, runs away, gets to a certain part of the void to prevent anyone from getting to self before dyinging (dear god my spelling's dead!) AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
While the other two are distracted by arguing about how they killed each other, I use my celestial magnet to nab the platinum.​
As you stab a needle in my chest I punch you with my ko cannon, knock you out, and dissect your brain so you are paralyzed and cannot steal my coin.
And then I sneak and take it without you noticing while you war over it.
And run away, and convert it into copper coins >:¬D
Sure, it's a god, but still.
Also, I already spent it in the Never Ending Story.
On weed.
Go bother the skeleton I bought it off.
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