Weapons & Equip Sword Barrage

All Seeing Eye

Eye of Cthulhu
Hello and welcome to another post created by the All Seeing Eye

So a long time ago I played this game called arcane soul and I just loved it and in the game they introduced some good spells so here's one:

Sword Barrage

Damage 50
Knockback 3
Mana 20
Velocity 8
Use time 17 (very fast)
Sell Price 5 Gold
Tooltip "Summons swords to attack the enemies"
Crafting: 1 Spelltome,1 Copper Shortsword, 15 Souls of Might, @ Bookcase

flaming lence.png
Summons a circle that launches 8 swords at 45 degree intervals
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Personally, I would remove the Broken Hero Sword and find another item to take its place, seeing as the BHS is generally considered to be a True-weapon exclusive.
If the swords are fired from a separate entity to the play, like the magnet sphere, which I think is how it works, it would probably be a bit better to fire 8 swords at 45 degree intervals, which would look aesthetically nicer and increase the potency of the weapon.
If it just fires the swords from the player, then it is fine as it is. Although, correct me if I'm wrong, I believe it's the first method.
It's a pretty cool idea, and it sounds like a good wave-clearer.
Eeeeh it needs a bit more working..

Sprite's pretty cool even doe it's a recolor

whadayamean recolor I worked pretty hard for that :guidecry: ( this is actually the first sprite i've done)
and @ true copper shortsword lovers, is it okay to use copper shortsword instead of bhs?
I mean the greatest wizards were once copper shortsword stabbing men too
Please put a more indepth description.
The description is fine. The item does what it says.
OT, you could say it "summons a circle that launches 8 swords at 45 degree intervals". That would clear up any confusion I think.
Copper Shortsword would fit fine, because it is easy to get and saves having to make a new item just as a single crafting material.
This is a pretty darn epic idea. Although, not sure on the recipe. Here's what I think would be better:

1 Spell tome
1 Copper/Tin Broadsword (Shortswords don't really make sense, and I think having a tin broadsword with the recipe instead of the copper because of ore generation)
5 Souls of Might (Might is mostly known as a Melee force in 1.1)
There is already a suggestion for a True Copper Shortsword, so that already fits that category. But the idea behind the weapon itself (a circle of swords that shoot out) is a sound one. Just change the recipe a bit.

I am not changing the copper shortsword because i would want sword barrage to be an upgrade of it
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