Linux Terraria Server hosting seems impossible on Arch


As said, i'm using arch (btw) and lately, the game runs really okay, everything was fine until I tried to host a dedicated server. So I made the normal protocol, followed the wiki reallyyy nicely and still, I got some errors. The port is open, DNS Forwarding is okay, everything is set up yet it can't work for some reasons. I don't get any error messages, it just simply launches the server and waits, when I try to connect to it it just says "//Ip// is connecting..." on the console, and on the application it simply waits at "Request for tile data.". (My game is in french, sending you any ss won't be of any use.)
Enter here the logs anyways (I mean the LOG files) because the exception types are still in English. The only thing in French will be the wraparound such as " "Exception: Manque de pilote ... à ligne ... (class name)" but the broken classes will be still in English due to being class names.
There is simply a changelog, there is no log Ig. I mean ;

changelog.txt System.Data.dll
FNA.dll System.dll
FNA.dll.config System.Drawing.dll
lib64 System.Numerics.dll
monoconfig System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
mono_crash.886fce39e.0.json System.Security.dll
mono_crash.886fce39e.1.json System.Windows.Forms.dll
mono_crash.886fce39e.2.json System.Windows.Forms.dll.config
monomachineconfig System.Xml.dll
Mono.Posix.dll System.Xml.Linq.dll
Mono.Security.dll Terraria.png
mscorlib.dll TerrariaServer
open-folder TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
System.Configuration.dll TerrariaServer.exe
System.Core.dll WindowsBase.dll

Those are everything there is in the Linux dir for terraria servers, picked the one on the official page and the Version.
(Sorry for the time of the answer, I went to get a good sandwich lmfao)
Enter here the logs anyways (I mean the LOG files) because the exception types are still in English. The only thing in French will be the wraparound such as " "Exception: Manque de pilote ... à ligne ... (class name)" but the broken classes will be still in English due to being class names.
(Not quite sure if I should have replied directly and if you get the notification if you don't, sorry if it makes two.)
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