Hot Topic Terrarians, show us your "I must screenshot this" moment

In a friend's 05162020 world, with the underground dungeon and all, I found one of the Cultists acting a little strange:

Not only is he standing on a crafting table, but it's also the only one in the entire room. And it has a candle on top.
In a friend's 05162020 world, with the underground dungeon and all, I found one of the Cultists acting a little strange:View attachment 279123
Not only is he standing on a crafting table, but it's also the only one in the entire room. And it has a candle on top.
Cultist: Dang I wish we could be as good as the player.
Other Cultist: Okay, we'll start be learning how to craft.
Cultist: Say no more.
Capture 2020-06-24 15_35_01.png

I remembered that this was a thing in my world, so here you go. Underground desert house on the surface. That obsidian used to be lava. When you go to the bottom, the biome changes to the underground desert, music and all.
View attachment 280444

I remembered that this was a thing in my world, so here you go. Underground desert house on the surface. That obsidian used to be lava. When you go to the bottom, the biome changes to the underground desert, music and all.
I have a similar story. I created a random world and got all the way to a forest biome but had the desert background and music. I dug underground to see if there was sand which there wasn't. Now I'm trying to build on this world so I didn't want to dig too far but I though that was weird. If you want screenshot I don't mind.
Here are some of the strangest things I've ever taken screenshots of in Terraria. If you want to look for them in other places for some reason, I posted them here:
#1 - This is the first: My old cat sitting in a chair, staring at a worm.

View attachment 280471

#2 - Next up: Three Gelatin Crystals right next to each other. (I already broke the first).

View attachment 280472

#3 - Another incredible RNG anomaly: I got the Paladin's Hammer and Paladin's Shield from the same Paladin. The original shot had too many coins, bones, etc. so I had to get those out of the
way to get a clear shot of the two items.

View attachment 280473

#4 - Number four: A water chest in only one (and a half) blocks of water, which, if you ask me, is sort of ironic.

View attachment 280474

#5 - ...And then, the cultists ran away:

View attachment 280475

#6 - Another strange cultist generation thing: They're learning how to craft! (Not really).

View attachment 280476

#7 - And then, mushroom spiders: I saw a Spider Cave inside a Glowing Mushroom Biome.

View attachment 280477

For now, that's about all I have in the way of screenshots.... But, if I get anything else weird, I'll make sure to post it here.

We have a dedicated thread for all members sharing their screenshots. I've merged your Thread into the general thread that is used here.
We have a dedicated thread for all members sharing their screenshots. I've merged your Thread into the general thread that is used here.
We have a dedicated thread for all members sharing their screenshots. I've merged your Thread into the general thread that is used here.
Thanks. I got rid of it because I figured it didn't really have a place here anyway, considering I'd already posted most of them here anyway.
Back again with something else weird...
epic gamer.png

I found three Gelatin Crystals right next to each other. The first one had been broken before taking the screenshot.
Lunar Shrine.png

If you want some lore well here:
This was made by the gods to keep the balance of terraria in place other than the corruption/crimson. Everybody worshiped this thing until they though maybe the gods of terraria don't exist. This created the lunatic cultist and his group who still worshiped the shrine and kept it from being ruined/destroyed by others. The other shrine you see near the little lake is a shrine made by the guide to hopefully summon a powerful guardian(the player) to prevent any damage unto the world that the cultist may or may not cause. Once the player arrived he kept the shrine maintained but kicked the cultists out which forced them to go to the dungeon. That's pretty much it now the player guards this thing and tries to maintain it just in case the cultist are true.
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