The bosses in my game regenerate faster than I can kill them, what's causing this?


Ok, so I've been playing on a modded Terraria world with my friends for a few months, but yesterday, I updated my mod list and it seems that all bosses in the game have gained a healing factor of some sort? If you're familiar with modded Terraria, bosses up until the Ravager are easily killable (There is three of us after all) but some bosses, like the Lunatic Cultist, heal so much health that we physically can not progress in the game. Every bit of damage we do, the boss heals away, and the Cultist just stays at maximum health the whole fight. Every boss heals like this, but it's never enough to hinder our progression except for now. This started happening around a day ago. What's wrong? I know that Calamity had an update very recently, maybe that's it?

Mod list:
* Calamity
* Tremor
* Thorium
* Fargo's mutant mod, summons and souls
* Where's my items
* "Yet another boss health bar mod"
* Recipe browser
* Boss checklist

As a side note, I think that Fargo was updated recently, as well as Calamity, if that helps

(Also, if this is the wrong thread to post this on, I apologize)
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