Deck quickly jumps back.
Seeing Deck jump back Azzouru would run over to the crack as well.
"What was it? What did you see?"

The eye would vanish as Deck jumps back and the view of the outside would become more visible.
It would appear to be some sort of vast, bright Forest.
Exactly what I predicted!)
"It WAS some kind of eye.."
"An Eye?
Someone was looking at us?
Are they not there anymore? You put quite the emphasis on 'was'."
Azzouru would go to peer into the hole as well.

Through the small crack there could be seen that on the other side of the crack was a vast Forest, or maybe jungle, the heat mentioned earlier seemingly coming from the mugginess of it.
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"An Eye?
Someone was looking at us?
Are they not there anymore? You pit quite enphasis on 'was'."
Azzouru would go to peer into the hole as well.

Through the small crack there could be seen that on the other side of the crack was a vast Forest, or maybe jungle, the heat mentioned earlier seemingly coming from the mugginess of it.
“Y-yeah, I think so…”
“This might be a way to the outside… C’mon!”
Deck goes towards the sound of rain and the light.
(going towards the light is only good in RPs it appears)
Azzouru follows Deck towards the apparant exit.
As they grow nearer they would see that it was raining, as the sound implied (and I outright said,) and it opened to another Forest, this one however much less dense and jungle-like, the air feeling much cooler.
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