Weapons & Equip The "Glass Restraint"

Do you need to deal more damage per hit? Do you love OHKOing on-level enemies?
So do I. Which left me a bit upset that I don't really get to do that until I get the Breaker blade! So, I thought: Hey, what if there was, say, an accessory that allows EVERY weapon to be like the Breaker Blade?
So, I came up with the idea for the "Glass Restraint", which increases damage by 30% and decreases attack speed & movement speed by 15%!
Its crafting recipe is very simple:
Feral Claws
10 Chains
50 Glass
3 Iron bars
The name "Glass Restraint" came from the term "Glass cannon", which is fitting as whilst you're very bulky, You're also very slow, and therefore vulnerable. Its mainly meant for Melee players, as they've got high defense and don't need to dodge as much, but I can see, say, a really cool ranged loadout with this.
Please, give me your feedback on this!
I'm pretty sure the 'glass' part in 'glass cannon' refers to how you can take fewer hits, while the 'cannon' part is just being able to hit really hard, not necessarily being bulky and slower.
I thought it meant "strong but vulnerable", which I made the vulnerable part by hitting them right in the movement speed, therefore making dodging harder.
Oh well, I like the name, but if you think it should be changed, please, send rename ideas.
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