NPCs & Enemies The Knight

This is all pretty cool i will admit, my one problem with it would be that he would not send you on any more quests after 40th quest.
I dunno its just something about a "useless npc" that just bugs me. Hes not useless during the first times and all, but if there was something like, even just random quests that reward you with ore or platinum, to at least make him relevant after all that is done, i'd like this mod more.
Overall, its pretty awesome, but needs content for after you've done his main quests.
Read this before, but just came upon it again. While rereading it I was writing what I liked or thought should be changed, (All Constructive :)) But it was a lot so I put it in a spoiler

I go for Shadow Orbs before I kill EOC.

Its been a while, still no item summary...

I also reach the cavern layer long before that.

I don’t think these should be in order, just claim once finished.

45 Vertebrae is not an easy task, at all.

I don’t kill Queen Bee before EOW BOC, i don’t even reach the jungle in some worlds.

A new Skelton drop wouldn’t work well (Quest 12) would he take it?

I think these would work good with the achievements when they are added.

I get this was comical, but why give a voodoo doll once acquiring one? (Voodo Acquire One)

Quest 24 is way to easy and literally can be done in the first 5 seconds of the game.

Making all 3 Mech Summoners can done pre Chlorophyte, so Quest 29 doesn’t make sense.

Lots of these don’t seem to follow an order, some coming before others many do first, or giving items at a random time.

Do things like mine 120 Chlorophyte take into past Chlorophyte mined?

I don’t know why mining an ore would give you more of it.

I never touch regular Chlorophte armor, creating certain armors doesn’t fit.

What about playthroughs? I’m not crafting an excalibur in my ranger…

Klling 15 Turtles for 10 Chlorophyte is kinda op. (33)

Again, Lihzard Cell for another cell..

Nice Read :)
I have the same idea but instead of quests he defends the other npcs

That is not a same idea. Your understanding of a knight is different.

This, my sir, is a great suggestion. Though the sentences are a bit weirdly phrased. It's like tnis:

Do this for me, okay?
Oh, we'll need to do that, okay?
(inb4 mr. Mackey)
I think you should read some books, so you'll have more words to use. This is a fine idea though , well thought out. ;)
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