The Last Post Wins!

At least the ICARUS fight finished up while you were gone.
*Perfectly throws two darts at the bubbles I used to stasis Lunus and Sona earlier, without hitting either of them*
Where'd you get that aiming skill?
The balloon popping minigame in Littlest Pet Shop Winter for the DS.
I might be a bit too good at that minigame.
idea for my next chat log is currently just a compilation of reactions to when Sam in RJITU gave an update on how he was doing after going missing by getting turned evil
among other things it would include Xio's "nice going Sam"
and Amy would react with "Really dude?"

I'm probably gonna do it
idea for my next chat log is currently just a compilation of reactions to when Sam in RJITU gave an update on how he was doing after going missing by getting turned evil
among other things it would include Xio's "nice going Sam"
and Amy would react with "Really dude?"

I'm probably gonna do it
I mean, at least I got the point across that I'm fine, right?
True, but there must have been better options too.
Here's the current progress
it's not a lot but I'm a bit dead inside right now
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