Blocks & Decoration The Speed Sign: a great addition to the minecart interface!

Have you ever made a rollercoaster/minecart based arena... but you couldn't make it work as sometimes you'd go too fast/slow? Introducing the speed sign! What it does it quite simple: You set a speed limit, and any minecarts that go by it instantly slow down/speed up to that speed, and cannot exceed that speed until it passes by another one/is dismounted! You can hammer it to change modes!
Mode 1: Normal mode. The default.
Mode 2: Stop mode. When set like this, minecarts that pass by it stop to a halt, in addition to not surpassing the speed you set them at!
Mode 3: Wire mode. When set like this, if a minecart passes by it, in addition to not allowing minecarts to surpass the speed it's set at, it also activates wires! This allows for AWESOME contraptions/traps to be made! Just imagine you trick your homie into trying out your rollercoaster only for them to get bonked by a bouncy boulder! HAH! Comedy Luminite, amirite!? This allows for a bajillion more traps in the notraps seed!
Mode 4: Minimizing Mode. When set like this, instead of making minecarts unable to go above a speed, it makes them unable to go under it. Minecarts that cannot go at the speed you set it at will ignore the sign.
Mode 5: Temporary mode 1. When set like this, it does slow your minecart down/speed your minecart up to the speed you set it at, but you can still surpass it if you try to make it go faster.
Mode 6: Temporary mode 2. When set like this, it does the same as above, but instead of setting a maximum speed, it sets a minimum like mode 4.
Multiple speed signs can be placed next to eachother to have multiple effects, such as allowing you to speed up/slow down anyway like the Temporary modes while it also sets off some wires like wire mode does!
Best of all: ITS PRE BOSS!
Crafting recipe:
1 Sign
10 Iron/Lead Bars
5 Gold/Platinum Bars
This will make 2 speed signs!
I'd love to hear your feedback!
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I like the concept.
But, what if you mount the track after sign, or if you jump over it whilst riding? Are these ways to avoid the limit? Or does the sign force all track ahead to be that limit regardless, until you hit another sign? And does it work in two directions? That seems like there are a lot of complicated mechanics that would need to be considered. Not that that's always a bad thing, just something to look over.
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