Items The Swivel Chair

Alright, let's be honest with ourselves here. Swivel chairs are one of, if not the most incredible creations the human race has produced.
Just look at this pristine example of such a glorious object:
And they aren't :red:ing in Terraria yet. Outrageous.
My initial mindset for this suggestion was that it was going to be a furniture item. That's great and all, but we already have golden toilets. I felt I needed to do these sacred butt rests true justice. So, screw it. I'll make it a mount. However, before your (_(_)'s can test these out, please allow your viewing spheres to gaze upon these wondrous sprites, provided by none other than @DerpoTheMagnificent!
Side View:

You can phase such an awesome item into existence by having the Swivel Chair item in your hotbar and summoning it how you would with all the other mounts. I'm sure you're asking how someone such as yourself would acquire such an exquisite piece of utter joy that is the Swivel Chair. You can simply buy it from the Merchant for 1 Gold Coin and 50 Silver Coins! WHAT A DEAL!

Now, here are some of the features of the Swivel Chair!
- If you press the jump button when you're mounted on the Swivel Chair, you'll spin around instead! Pressing the jump key in rapid succession will eventually give you the "Confused" debuff for about 10 seconds.

- You can glide effortlessly through flat terrain at speeds that rival Quick Hermes boots.

- Going on slopes downhill will allow you to go at absolutely insane speeds.

- The only con of this mount is that it barely allows you to go uphill on slopes, and not at all of it's a standard block.

Or it can just be a regular furniture item *shrug*
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I guess that is always an option. My only other criticism is that the sprites have white space around them, which isn't very pretty to look at.
The originals didn't, but weird crap happened when I put up the sprites. Obviously, they wouldn't have the backgrounds in-game.

And the standing thing was a joke :p
I want it, but the sitting sprites thing would clearly be a problem. I'd still want to be able to sit though. Sitting would be great for building pubs and stuff.
You seem to have used versions without transparent backgrounds...huh. On Topic: It's a very stupid other words, I love it. I would use this so much, probably constantly.
Yeah, my computer is almost as dumb as I am. It screws so much stuff up. Apparently it couldn't resist messing up your magnificent masterpieces.
NPCs can sit, but the player can't because it would require a sitting sprite for every armor and vanity set
Nope, actually. How'd they sprite every single possible character combination running and about? I think they use a default base, I'm not sure exactly though, and then make it so the player sprite replaces the base. For sitting, only two to three animations would be required.
Nope, actually. How'd they sprite every single possible character combination running and about? I think they use a default base, I'm not sure exactly though, and then make it so the player sprite replaces the base. For sitting, only two to three animations would be required.
Actually, there is a base that they go off, but it needs to be redone for every armor to animate it. So yes, you could create a base for a sitting animation but you would need to redraw every armor and vanity item over it to get them to animate correctly. Still a lot of time.
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