TTT The Terrarian Times: The Awesome Edition.

Another amazing TTT! Keep up the good work guys! It's nice to read these when im really bored.

What's your take on this cool little thing? What does it do? How do you get it? Where do you find it? Can you eat it?
Looks like some sort of boomerang to me, kinda like the light discs.
Luv it! :dryadsmile:

Btw, just in case anyone skipped it:
Disclaimer: Commenting on Redigit's statuses may potentially be one of the craziest decisions you've ever made in your life. For sake of your sanity and everyone else's, feel free to post your speculations in this thread if you haven't had the chance to give your thoughts on it.
This will stop the 16 alerts I get from reacting to his latest post. :dryadtongue:
Maybe it's some kind of new chakram???? Sun Chakram or flame Chakram?
My impression of the strange glowy ball thing was that it looked like a solar eclipse sun, maybe a new look for it? Its more likely a weapon, but at first I thought it was the sun.
Guys! I think I figured out what the little yellow ring thingy is! could it be a portal from the portal gun? it looks small but definatly very similar.
Great composition! Looking forward to more content from you. Keep up the great work!
[DOUBLEPOST=1423278555][/DOUBLEPOST]Great composition! Looking forward to more content from you. Keep up the great work!
Can't believe red's still posting spoilers, in my mind I was thinking the update was really close... (hope I'm not wrong ;))
I'm guessing that the first spoiler is a new grappling hook/ flail. And the second one is a new light orb (like the shadow orb n' stuff)
Can't believe red's still posting spoilers, in my mind I was thinking the update was really close... (hope I'm not wrong ;))
I'm guessing that the first spoiler is a new grappling hook/ flail.
The first one is a yo-yo, cenx confirmed it (she said now she can watch him yo-yo in game too, life now complete).
To me the second one looks like the orange portal, though maybe its the morphball?
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