Standalone tLifeSaver


I will revive the project if the community becomes interested in it again!

Even though I am the creator of the program, I reserve no liability for any disruptions or issues that may occur when running the application. The program is currently in an alpha development environment, and may contain a large number of glitches and bugs, that may or may not harm your system. No malware or malicious material will ever be included in the original material developed by me, although feel free to run as many scans as you like (Here are some from VirusTotal). Do not put this file up for redistribution, however, you are fully allowed to take a peek at the source and modify it, or even include it in a tool-pack, but those including this program cannot be monetized (It's open source after all, that doesn't mean that you can just go and plagiarize)! Long story short, USE THIS PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Inspired by an increased interest in Batch development and making things much easier, I have decided to create this. tLifeSaver is currently a basic batch program that will backup your files into a "Backups" directory located in "%USERDATA%\Documents\My Games\Terraria". Each backup also comes with a (Hopefully working, need confirmation on this) localized time-stamp, written in the format Year-Month-Day_Hour_Minute_Seconds. You are also able to opt into automatically starting Terraria through the program, for ease of access, and less need for multiple EXE and BAT files all over your Desktop.

The installation is probably the hardest part. First, you will need to extract the archive using a program of your choice. Then, you are able to start the traditional BAT file, or the "tLifeSaver" shortcut, complete with an icon! Move the tLifeSaver shortcut wherever you want, and you can place the rest of the files elsewhere, but do NOT delete the original BAT, or the program will not work.(May end up creating an automatic installer in the event people want it). That is all that is necessary for installation, and only has loose connections with the Terraria EXE (Only calls the START command on the EXE, and has absolutely no source files or helping routines to decompile).

In order to backup saves, all you need to do is double click the "tLifeSaver" shortcut. That's it. Really!

This part is not automatically done by the program (As of vA0.1), and requires the traditional, manual method of restoration.
  1. Navigate to your "Documents\My Games\Terraria\Backups" directory (If no Backups folder exists, then you never backed anything up!)
  2. Find a time and date you want to restore from, and open the folder
  3. Go into the "Saves" folder within the time-stamp directory
  4. If you want to restore ALL players and worlds, copy all of the contents within the "Saves" folder to the "Documents\My Games\Terraria" directory.
  5. If you want to restore a single player, copy all of the files from the "Player" folder with the name of the character you want to restore into the "Documents\My Games\Terraria\Players" folder
  6. If you want to restore a single world, copy all of the files from the "World" folder with the name of the world you want to restore into the "Documents\My Games\Terraria\Worlds" folder
  7. Launch the game and enjoy
tLifeSaver ON GITHUB
That's right - tLifeSaver is now on GitHub (Along with all of my future projects, except ones that are monetized [Apple App Store, Windows, etc], and snippets).

Perhaps you'd also be interested in contributing? Just open a new branch, and when you're done, submit a pull request, I'll verify the integrity of the code submitted, and if it's in the clear, I'll push it to the master branch.

THE GITHUB LINK IS HERE (Note that all current code is in the TMD Branch until full release of the GUI update)

Mediafire downloads (ZIP file format)
ALPHA v0.1

+ Adding support for backing up Terraria Steam Files
+ Adding support for OS X (Sorry Linux users... I don't own any Linux distributions...)
+ Adding GUI (Fancy, native support!)
+ Adding a menu for Config usage (Makes things so much easier for me and you!)

- Even less integration with Terraria.exe/app (By about 4 characters worth!)

= GitHub support (In Alpha stage now, go check it out above)! Go and help contribute to the project!
+ Added semi-automatic backups (Backed to "Documents\My Games\Terraria\Backups\")
+ Added the ability to launch Terraria automatically
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Reserved in the event I need this spot (After implementing visual tutorials if it becomes necessary, and it may exceed the limit)

EDIT: Development is going to be delayed until a new release of Mono comes out that fixes incompatibility errors with OS X El Capitan (The OS I'm using), so apologies! The windows version of 0.1.1 should be released within the next few days however, so no worries on that (Still a bat file for that version)!

EDIT 2: I've decided to suck it up and use C++ for the next release. I've also decided to scratch the alpha all together, so the only version released for Batch is 0.1. Apologies for this rather major inconvenience, as I will try and complete v1 as soon as possible!

Here are a few images that are relevant to the development. I will continue to post GUI updates as I progress (NOTE: I am swapping development native to OS X, however it shouldn't hinder progress of Windows, since the code should be multiplatform. I'm not focusing on Linux, since I don't have any devices to test it on. Apologies Linux users!)
The new, ultra-native look and feel of the "Backup" menu

An all new menu to simplify settings and configurations, rather than raw editing of my absolutely awful "LifeSaver" data format :p

EDIT: ITS COMING >>>> tLifeSaver 1.0 will be celebrated TOMORROW, as it is released (A day before school starts :P)
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Oh man, if I'd known this existed, I'd have never made T-Backup.

However, mine does have a few different features to yours. What language have you written this in?
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