Casual Unpopular Opinion Thread

English is one of the worst subjects to learn, ironically I am English/British, but it was easily one of my worse subjects to learn, I didn't get a C in GSCE until my end college years 8/9 years ago.
As a conlanger, which is someone who makes languages for fun, yes.
teacher: i before e except after c!
weird kid: how the heck am I supposed to spell my name
Solution: Just teach yourself from a young age
seriously I sometimes get compliments about my English, I've been learning since I was 4 and simply reading one language of the Big Friendly Giant while my mom was reading the other to me, and at one point I noticed one language said a character was next to another while the other language said they were behind the other character and I pointed it out
It's hard to teach oneself a language they don't even know exists yet.
Or for Daas, it literally didn't
Correction: It's hard to teach oneself a language that they haven't even worked on yet
I have one word for Ancient Floracian decided and nothing else. The language has existed OOC for 3+ years now. I added the first word last year.
Pixels was an alright movie and didn't deserve all (but probably at least some) of the criticism it got. (No seriously, I remember actually quite liking it when I first watched it. Maybe I'm just that much of a nerd.)
Earth has a bunch of gas giants acting as its meatshields.
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