Humorous Useless Facts

Only female mosquitoes suck blood. Males feed on nectar only. Blood is a more nutritive food than nectar and is required in the production of mosquito eggs.
Mosquitoes are more attracted to carbon dioxide than light.
Mosquitoes live nearby still/slow moving waters since they need water to lay their eggs in.
Mosquito bites itch because of the anticoagulant in their saliva, which prevents blood from clotting and stays in the wound.
The anticoagulant from mosquitoes' saliva can be destroyed by applying hot water to the bitten area; heat desintegrates the molecule.
:red: mosquitoes.
In Capgras's delusion, people believe that everyone they see is a double of someone else. This is caused by minor changes in a person's appearance- whereas we would see a new bruise, hairstyle, or wrinkle as a person changing, the sufferer thinks that person is an imperfect copy of someone else. These people are also prone to attacking mirrors, since they are afraid the image is a copy attempting to abduct them.
My hometown once reinstated a swearing bylaw. This lasted a whole year before it was dropped for obvious reasons.

Yes, I love my town but I think most of the people there are idiotic by most American standards.
If you download something, you get it on your computer. And sometimes you can even do something with it.
You can die in the living room

Because magic

Also you can drink lava, but only once
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