Blocks & Decoration Water Jack-O-Lantern! Water Candle with Spooky Style!

Dakota Spine

Headless Horseman
Hey guys, Dakota here! You know something that are cool? Jack-O-Lanterns. You know what would be cooler? Blue Jack-O-Lanterns that make more frights rise from the night! I simply suggest a Jack-O-Lantern that burns blue with a Water Candle inside!

Water Jack-O-Lantern
Water Jack-O-Lantern.png

Crafted with:
-Pumpkin x6
-Water Candle x1


Of course, as you may have guessed, this will act as a normal Jack-O-Lantern. But it glows blue, and makes more monsters spawn when you are near it. Just the same as a Water Candle would! It may be used in halloween based arenas, made to fight invasions.

That's all there is to it! Thanks for reading! Dakota, out.
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