Weapons you have never found, made or used

the first prism

Eye of Cthulhu
This is a thread about weapons you've never made or used.
For me, it would be the magic harp from the twins . I just cant be bothered to make it....
Museum of non-used items:
Pearlwood sword
Any shortsword
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I'm too lazy to make a list, but if I had to guess, maybe 80% I don't use. (I have used almost all the weapons to test them out, but I don't really "use" them.)
The weapons from fishing, seedler, everyone's favorite weapon the pearlwood sword, keybrand.
The Icemourne, Soul Scythe and Scythe are ones that I am personally never going to use. I might get a 360 some day to get the old-gen exclusive weapons and Terraria 3DS to use the Zapinator.
Basically every shortsword ever made
Also, I guess the Hellsword as well, although thats mostly because I quickly just craft it into night's edge
Any shortsword (duh), The Toxikarp (I usually go for crimson) Charged Blaster Cannon (Saucer never drops it, plus I don't play mage very often)
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