What inspired the Rod of Discord and its name?


Duke Fishron
Every time I think of the Rod of Discord, I can't help but think of John De Lancie's multiple chaotic characters that he's portrayed. Q and Discord pop in whenever they want and inflict bountiful amounts of chaos, rendering those around them annoyed to the point of intolerance. Hence the debuff "Chaos State" that drains your health if you use it too much.

Eh, it's a bare minimal hypothesis.
I once read that Red had regret adding this item to the game, not wanting players to be able to teleport around at a whim (or something like that, I can't remember, it's been a long time). It would be funny if the 'discord' here was between members of ReLogic, where some of them thought it was a good idea to add teleportation to the game, and some (like Red) disliking the idea.

Whatever the case, I'm very happy this item exists.
Speaking of which... I should farm for one, since I haven't ever gotten one. Pretty much on the top of the list now that I've gotten the Ankh Shield.
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