What IS Terraria exacly?

this may sound weird but, what IS Terraria

dont go to the reply section and type "iTs a gAmE u IdIoT" I mean like, what is the origin of the Terrarian universe/world/idek

MY theory: I think its a huge island in a random planet similar to Earth (cuz the oceans and shtuff), the (blah blah blah, if u dont know where animals came from just google, ez), and then a god creates you near the center of the island (probably moonlord cuz hes mean) and gives you some basic tools.The island is created by a demi-god, and then moon lord beats him up OR injects him with something prior to murdering him and spreading the infection, hence the Crimson/Corruption.

(after reading my theory its just weird and makes like, -9999 sense)
I think it's a collaboration of islands that used to be a desert before Chuthulu flooded the world.
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