What is your favorite pre-hardmode boss?

What is your favorite pre-hardmode boss?

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The wall of flesh, totes. It's not so much the fight itself (which is amazing), it's that killing to boss is such a huge decision... If you win, your world is changed forever, for better and for worse... It's so awesome :D
Wall of Flesh for sure. It's the most creative boss, in my opinion, and the whole "run and attack" thing gives the whole battle something epic. And beating it for the first time rewards you with hard mode, which feels soooo good.
Wall of Flesh and Brain of Cthulhu. They're a pain in the :red: if you don't use the right way to fight against them.
Lots of love for the Brain of Cthulu and you'll see no arguments from me.

I also like the Eater of Worlds, though. It's so much fun to fight in tunnels and just watch it be EVERYWHERE. The constant digging sounds paired with the boss music just make it all the more intense!
I don't know why anyone why say Eater of Worlds.
That fight was never a challenge for me, even when I was new at the game I had more of a problem figuring out what to do than actually beating it.
The Wall of Flesh. It's such an epic fight your first time around. You gotta keep hitting him and keep moving as he commands the biome and sets the rhythm of the battle. I loved fighting it.
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